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Home Hawai'i Statewide News A List of All Bills Signed By David Ige for June 2022

A List of All Bills Signed By David Ige for June 2022

by Thunda
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
HB2500001MAKING APPROPRIATIONS TO PROVIDE FOR THE EXPENSES OF THE LEGISLATURE, THE AUDITOR, THE LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE BUREAU, THE OMBUDSMAN, AND THE ETHICS COMMISSION.Appropriates funds to provide for the expenses of the Legislature, Auditor, Legislative Reference Bureau, Ombudsman, and Ethics Commission. (HD1)
HB1541002RELATING TO CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS.Clarifies acceptable procedure for initiating criminal complaints.
HB1427 HD1003RELATING TO REPORTS FILED WITH THE CAMPAIGN SPENDING COMMISSION.Clarifies that candidates are not required to file preliminary general reports if they are either unsuccessful or are elected to office in the primary election. Clarifies the aggregating contributions and expenditures that determine when a committee needs only to file the final election period report. (HD1)
HB1471004RELATING TO POLITICAL PARTIES.Amends provisions relating to dates and deadlines in statutory provisions governing political parties.
HB2392 HD1 SD1005RELATING TO HEALTH.Makes an emergency appropriation for coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic mitigation, including vaccination response activities. (SD1)
HB2180006RELATING TO HARBORS.Repeals sections 266‐2.3, and 266‐22, Hawaii Revised Statutes, for the purpose of deleting obsolete or unnecessary provisions.
SB3143007RELATING TO CONFORMITY TO THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE.Conforms Hawaii income and estate and generation‐skipping transfer tax laws to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended as of December 31, 2021.
SB2303008RELATING TO THE GENERAL EXCISE TAX.Authorizes the Director of Taxation to exempt a taxpayer whose annual general excise tax liability does not exceed $100 from monthly, quarterly, or semiannual general excise tax filing requirements; provided that the taxpayer files an annual return. Applies to taxable years beginning after 12/31/2022.
HB2147 HD1009RELATING TO MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL PERMITS.Reinstates the Department of Health’s authority to permit federal municipal solid waste landfills. (HD1)
HB1339010RELATING TO IMPEACHMENT.Establishes requirements for institution of and causes for impeachment of the governor or lieutenant governor.
SB3038011RELATING TO INFORMATION PRIVACY AND SECURITY COUNCIL.Amends section 487N‐5(a), Hawaii Revised Statutes, to allow for each member of the Information Privacy and Security Council to designate a designee to act on the member’s behalf in order to ensure quorum.
SB2998 SD1012RELATING TO RECYCLING.Requires the Department of Health to implement the Auditor’s recommendations for the Deposit Beverage Container program, including developing a risk‐based selection process to select reports submitted by certain distributors and redemption centers for audit. (SD1)
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SB2780013RELATING TO THE POWER OF ARREST.Updates the list of federal agencies whose law enforcement officers may make arrests for certain offenses under state law by adding United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement‐Homeland Security Investigations and deleting United States Citizenship and Immigration Services from the list. Updates references to the titles of the heads of the district offices for the listed federal agencies and the names of these agencies, including United States Customs and Border Protection.
SB2741014RELATING TO THE COMMISSION TO PROMOTE UNIFORM LEGISLATION.Provides a limited exemption for the Hawaii Commission to Promote Uniform Legislation from certain requirements of part I of chapter 92, HRS, for the purpose of allowing commissioners of the Commission to Promote Uniform Legislation to attend and participate in a full capacity in meetings hosted by the Uniform Law Commission, without any limitation on the number of participating commissioners, in furtherance of its goal of representing and promoting uniformity of legislation for the State.
SB2376 SD1015RELATING TO TOBACCO TAXES.Repeals and eliminates the deferred payment purchase option for cigarette tax stamps. Requires licensees to pay for stamps at the time of purchase using cash, certified check, or bank transfer. Effective 1/1/2023. (SD1)
SB2305016RELATING TO THE COMPREHENSIVE OFFENDER REENTRY SYSTEM.Clarifies that the comprehensive offender reentry system provides programs and services that result in the timely release of inmates on parole when the minimum term, rather than the maximum term, has been served by the inmate.
SB2114017RELATING TO THE CHILDREN’S JUSTICE PROGRAM.Updates the purpose of the children’s justice program to include investigation and management of cases involving suspected or confirmed child sex trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation of children, other child maltreatment, and child witnesses to crime or violence. Makes conforming amendments.
SB2082018RELATING TO ABUSE OF FAMILY OR HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS.Adds abuse of family or household members to those felonies that qualify for repeat offender sentencing.
SB1048 SD1019RELATING TO HAWAII CRIMINAL JUSTICE DATA CENTER FEES.Provides authority for the Hawaii criminal justice data center to set and collect fees for services provided. (SD1)
SB3152 SD1 HD1020MAKING AN EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION.Makes an emergency appropriation to authorize additional funds for the department of transportation highways division’s special maintenance program. (HD1)
SB3046 SD1 HD2021MAKING AN EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL.Makes an emergency appropriation to the department of the attorney general for use in major litigation involving the State. Extends the lapsing date to 6/30/2023. (HD2)
SB3098 SD1 HD1022MAKING AN EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOR LEAD ABATEMENT.Makes an emergency appropriation for lead abatement measures at Department of Education elementary schools. (HD1)
SB3134 SD2 HD1023RELATING TO THE PAYMENT OF DEBT SERVICE ON THE TURTLE BAY REIMBURSABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS.Streamlines the process for completing the department of land and natural resources’ required annual payment of debt service on the reimbursable general obligation bonds for Turtle Bay. (HD1)
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HB1848 HD2 SD1024RELATING TO STUDENT JOURNALISM.Establishes freedom of speech and freedom of the press protections for student journalists producing school‐ sponsored media or university‐sponsored media unless subject to certain exceptions. Provides legal immunity for state agencies, officers, and employees for students’ exercise of these freedoms. (SD1)
SB2059 SD1 HD2 CD1025RELATING TO STATE SYMBOLS.Designates the ‘ohi‘a lehua as the state endemic tree. Takes effect 7/1/2022. (CD1)
SB172 SD1 HD1026RELATING TO GRANTS.Allows an organization to qualify for grants under chapter 42F, Hawaii Revised Statutes, if the organization is incorporated under the laws of the State or spends at least ninety per cent of its operating budget in the State and is registered with the department of commerce and consumer affairs and in possession of a valid certificate of vendor compliance issued by the State. (HD1)
HB1768 HD2 SD2 CD1027RELATING TO THE DISPOSITION OF WATER RIGHTS.Exempts the instream use of water for traditional and customary kalo cultivation practices from the existing process for disposition of water rights. Recognizes, confirms, and protects traditional and customary and kuleana rights to water, including rights of use, access, delivery, and quality of water. (CD1)
HB2112 HD1 SD1028RELATING TO CREDIT FOR REINSURANCE.Amends the provisions in the insurance code relating to bilateral agreements on insurance and reinsurance for consistency with the agreements between the United States and European Union and the United States and United Kingdom. (SD1)
SB3124 SD1 HD1029MAKING AN EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR COSTS RESULTING FROM THE RELEASE OF PETROLEUM FROM THE RED HILL BULK FUEL STORAGE FACILITY.Makes an emergency appropriation to the department of health for response activities and enforcement relating to the petroleum leaks at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility. (HD1)
HB2075 HD1 SD1 CD1030RELATING TO FIREARMS.Requires physical inspection of firearms under certain circumstances. Sunsets 6/30/2025. (CD1)
SB3330 SD1 HD1 CD1031RELATING TO THE PUPUKEA MARINE LIFE CONSERVATION DISTRICT.Requires the Department of Land and Natural Resources to establish and conduct the Pupukea Marine Life Conservation District carrying capacity pilot program. Appropriates funds. (CD1)
SB204 SD1 HD1 CD1032RELATING TO AQUATIC RESOURCES.Authorizes the Department of Land and Natural Resources to use in‐lieu fee mitigation to restore, create, enhance, preserve, or any combination thereof, aquatic habitats or resources as compensatory mitigation. (CD1)
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SB2768 SD2 HD1 CD1033RELATING TO THE HAWAII YOUTH CONSERVATION CORPS.Authorizes the Governor to designate the Department of Land and Natural Resources to administer or enter into an agreement for the administration of a green jobs youth corps to provide temporary work and training opportunities in the fields of natural resource management, agriculture, or other sustainability‐related professions to young adults ages thirty‐ eight and younger. Requires the Department to partner with an organization that has received accreditation from the Corps Center of Excellence Accreditation Program or has at least ten years of experience providing similar programming statewide in the State, or both. Appropriates funds. (CD1)
SB2767 SD1 HD1 CD1034RELATING TO FISH AGGREGATION DEVICES.Provides funds to the Department of Land and Natural Resources to support the deployment, replacement, and maintenance of fish aggregation devices. (CD1)
HB1653 HD2 SD2035RELATING TO AQUATIC RESOURCES.Establishes a tiered administrative fine system for each specimen of aquatic life taken, killed, or injured. Establishes a criminal fine structure on a per‐specimen basis for violations involving aquatic life. Authorizes the Department of Land and Natural Resources to recommend community service that benefits the resource damaged when a person is ordered to perform community service in lieu of a fine. Authorizes the Department of Land and Natural Resources to recommend to the certain probationary terms and conditions to the court. Effective date 7/1/2022. (SD2)
HB986 HD1 SD2036RELATING TO NEWBORN HEARING SCREENING.Requires diagnostic audiologic evaluation results of newborn hearing screening evaluations, or infants whose hearing status changes, to be provided to the Department of Health. (SD2)
HB987 HD1 SD1037RELATING TO HEARING AND VISION PROGRAM.Amends the hearing and vision program statute to increase the early identification of children with hearing or vision loss, by establishing consistent protocols for hearing and vision screening and follow‐up, screener training, and data collection for quality improvement. (SD1)
SB1138 SD2 HD2 CD1038RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF HEALTHCARE ASSURANCE SPECIAL FUND.Establishes the annual expenditure ceiling of the Office of Health Care Assurance Special Fund through the state budget process. Appropriates funds. (CD1)
HB2405 HD2 SD2 CD1039RELATING TO INSURANCE.Prohibits health insurers, mutual benefit societies, and health maintenance organizations from applying categorical cosmetic or blanket exclusions to gender affirming treatments or procedures when determined to be medically necessary pursuant to applicable law and specifies a process for appealing a claim denied on the basis of medical necessity. Requires those entities to provide applicants and insured persons with clear information about the coverage of gender transition services, including the process for appealing a claim denied on the basis of medical necessity. (CD1)
SB2136 HD1 CD1040RELATING TO JURY SERVICE.Prohibits juror exclusion based on gender identity or expression. (CD1)
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SB2670 SD2 HD2 CD1041RELATING TO THE HAWAII STATE LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER, QUEER, PLUS COMMISSION.Establishes the Hawaii state lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, plus commission to provide for a statewide program, on a permanent and continuing basis, on the status of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, plus individuals in Hawaii. (CD1)
HB2337 HD1 SD1042RELATING TO HIGHWAY SAFETY.Clarifies the definitions of “drug”, “substance”, and “substance abuse” for purposes of operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant violations. (SD1)
HB2422 HD1 SD1043RELATING TO SENTENCING.Clarifies that sentences for domestic violence intervention for abuse‐related offenses shall be imposed, with or without probation. (SD1)
HB886 HD1 SD2044RELATING TO PROFESSIONALLY LICENSED OR CERTIFIED GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES.Clarifies when the State shall be exclusively liable for claims for injury or loss of property, or personal injury or death, resulting from the negligent or wrongful act or omission of any professionally licensed or certified employee of the State while acting within the course and scope of the employee’s office or employment. Precludes civil actions or proceedings for money damages against the employee, except for claims based on liability other than an employee’s course and scope of employment with the State or other employer. Clarifies liability when the State agrees to assume full or partial responsibility in a civil action against a professional licensed or certified employee. (SD2)
SB2125 HD1 CD1045RELATING TO LIQUOR LICENSES.Increases the maximum allowable fine for violation of liquor control laws by a licensee from $2,000 to $5,000. (CD1)
HB1539 HD2 SD2 CD1046RELATING TO THE SAFETY OF JUDICIARY PERSONNEL.Establishes a judicial security task force to identify appropriate measures to enhance the security of judges and judiciary personnel while not diminishing civil liberties or unduly hindering governmental operations. Requires a report. (CD1)
SB2162 SD1 HD1 CD1047RELATING TO RANKED CHOICE VOTING.Establishes ranked‐choice voting for special federal elections and special elections of vacant county council seats. Effective 1/1/2023. (CD1)
SB2163 HD1 CD1048RELATING TO NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE.Makes negligent homicide in the first degree a class A felony if the person causes the death of another by operating a vehicle in a negligent manner while under the influence of drugs or alcohol and the person has prior convictions for operating a vehicle under the influence or a suspended and revoked license and privilege to operate a vehicle due to driving while under the influence of an intoxicant or the person is a highly intoxicated driver, subject to certain conditions. (CD1)
SB2185 SD3 HD1 CD1049RELATING TO FIREWORKS.Requires the auditor of fireworks and articles pyrotechnic records for each county fire department to submit to the Legislature an annual report detailing inventory, recordkeeping, and sales of fireworks to license or permit holders. Effective 1/1/2023. (CD1)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
SB3142 SD1 HD1 CD1050RELATING TO THE WORKERS’ COMPENSATION LAW.Amends the title of chapter 386, part V, subpart C, HRS, to add reserve public safety law enforcement officers, and amends section 386‐181, HRS, to include reserve public safety law enforcement officers to the list of volunteer occupations covered under the workers’ compensation law. Allows reserve public safety law enforcement officers who are injured under the conditions specified in section 386‐3, HRS, to receive workers’ compensation. Adds reserve public safety law enforcement officers to the list of volunteers who are covered under the conditions for computing average weekly wages. (CD1)
HB1455 HD1 SD1051RELATING TO ROBBERY IN THE FIRST DEGREE.Amends the offense of robbery in the first degree to include a person committing theft or unlawful taking of a motor vehicle while being armed with an electric gun. (SD1)
HB1456 HD1 SD1052RELATING TO THEFT IN THE SECOND DEGREE.Amends the offense of theft in the second degree to include theft of an electric gun. Effective 8/1/2022. (SD1)
HB1469 HD1 SD1053RELATING TO UNAUTHORIZED CONTROL OF A PROPELLED VEHICLE.Creates an affirmative defense for anyone charged with unauthorized control of a propelled vehicle, where the defendant purchased the vehicle and reasonably believed themselves to be the actual owner of the vehicle. (SD1)
HB1486 HD2 SD1054RELATING TO THEFT.Amends the offense of theft in the first degree to specifically include theft of a motor vehicle or motorcycle. (SD1)
SB3243 SD1 HD1055RELATING TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.Repeals the definition of “industrial park” in chapter 206M, Hawaii Revised Statutes, regarding the Hawaii technology development corporation. Replaces all instances of “industrial park” with a newly defined term, “economic zone”, in that chapter. (HD1)
HB1619 HD2 SD2 CD1056RELATING TO PEER‐TO‐PEER CAR‐SHARING INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS.Establishes peer‐to‐peer car‐sharing insurance requirements. Effective 1/1/2023. Sunsets 6/30/2025. (CD1)
HB1681 HD2 SD1057RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES.Establishes requirements and permitting procedures for transportation network companies operating in the State. Makes permanent insurance requirements for transportation network companies and transportation network company drivers. Takes effect 1/1/2023. (SD1)
HB2111 HD1 SD1 CD1058RELATING TO INSURANCE.Amends the limited lines producer license to include all aspects of travel insurance. Removes references to outdated and obsolete limited lines product offerings. Excludes dental insurers and dental service corporations as third party administrators. Requires renewal certificates and audited financial statements in the annual reports of third party administrators. Beginning 1/1/2023, adopts the revised National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ Suitability in Annuity Transactions Model Regulation. (CD1)
HB2113 HD2 SD1059RELATING TO MONEY TRANSMITTERS.Minimizes regulatory burden and eliminates redundancy by permitting money transmitter applicants to submit to either a state or federal criminal history record check, rather than both. (SD1)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
HB2115 HD1 SD1060RELATING TO MORTGAGE SERVICERS.Authorizes the Commissioner of Financial Institutions to modify or waive requirements relating to mortgage servicers in chapter 454M, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to implement changes and improvements made to the NMLS. (SD1)
HB2248 HD1 SD2061RELATING TO SCHOOLS.Amends the definition of “private schools” under the compulsory attendance law to require unlicensed but accredited private schools to annually submit health and safety documentation to the Hawaii Council of Private Schools or the Hawaii Catholic Schools office. (SD2)
HB2272 HD1 SD1 CD1062RELATING TO CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATIONS.Clarifies that sixty‐seven per cent of unit owners may amend a condominium declaration at any time by vote or written consent, unless the declaration specifies a higher percentage. Requires developers to include annual reserve contributions based on a reserve study. Clarifies time and date requirements for petitions to amend bylaws and call for special meetings; electronic, machine, and mail voting; time frame for approval of minutes; and board meeting participation. Expands when electronic, machine, and mail voting is authorized. Requires a condominium association’s reserve study to be reviewed by an independent reserve study preparer and reviewed or updated at least every three years. Specifies that cash flow plans be based on thirty‐year projections. Effective 1/1/2023. (CD1)
HB2340 HD2 SD2063RELATING TO CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES.Allows post office boxes and rural and highway contract route boxes to be permissible for a prescription to be considered valid, only if a physical address where an individual resides is on file with the dispensing pharmacy. Effective 7/1/2022. (SD2)
SB1105 SD2 HD1 CD1064RELATING TO THE MORTGAGE LOAN RECOVERY FUND.Allows a person aggrieved by the fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit of a mortgage loan originator company licensee to receive restitution payment upon a final court order. Repeals fees paid by mortgage loan originator companies and their branch office locations to the mortgage loan recovery fund. Provides the commissioner of financial institutions with the authority to consider applications to recover from the fund. (CD1)
SB2017 SD1 HD2 CD1065RELATING TO EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES.Repeals existing law that limits licensure as an emergency medical technician 1 to individuals whose practice is performed in a county with a population of 500,000 or greater. (CD1)
SB2274 SD2 HD1 CD1066RELATING TO THE CENTER FOR NURSING.Increases the Center for Nursing fee from $40 to $60 per licensing biennium. (CD1)
SB2280 SD2 HD2 CD1067RELATING TO DENTAL ASSISTANTS.Allows dental assistants to perform limited duties under the general supervision of a dentist licensed in the State in public health settings and under the direction of a dental hygienist licensed in the State. (CD1)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
SB2644 SD2 HD2 CD1068RELATING TO ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS.Extends until 6/30/2027 Act 65, Session Laws of Hawaii 2013, as amended by Act 60, Session Laws of Hawaii 2018, which provides a limited exemption to the licensing requirements for certain individuals in situations when an electric utility must retain qualified individuals to work with high voltage (six hundred volts or higher) who are not licensed in the State but are otherwise deemed qualified by the electric utility, provided that the public utility certifies to the Board of Electricians and Plumbers that, after solicitation of a request for proposal, no electrician responded to the request who was sufficiently qualified and licensed in the State and was available and able to perform or timely complete the high voltage electrical work or task before the public utility recruited outside the State. (CD1)
SB2685 SD2 HD1 CD1069RELATING TO PLANNED COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS.Establishes requirements for cumulative voting and the removal of directors of planned community associations. Exempts planned community associations from certain requirements regarding cumulative voting for and the removal of directors under the Hawaii Nonprofit Corporations Act. Effective 1/1/2023. (CD1)
SB2695 SD2 HD1 CD1070RELATING TO CRYPTOCURRENCY.Establishes a blockchain and cryptocurrency task force. (CD1)
SB2798 SD1 HD2 CD1071RELATING TO VETERINARY MEDICINE.Authorizes the Hawaii Board of Veterinary Medicine to grant temporary courtesy and relief permits for out‐of‐state veterinarians. Permits licensed veterinarians to practice veterinarian telemedicine. Creates a permit surcharge. Allows for international veterinary school graduates to qualify for the licensure examination. Establishes a temporary permit to be issued under certain conditions. (CD1)
SB3075 SD2 HD2 CD1072RELATING TO FRANCHISE TAX.Ensures that the Compliance Resolution Fund receives $2,000,000 of the revenues collected under the franchise tax for use by the Division of Financial Institutions of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. Requires excess revenues collected under the franchise tax to be deposited into the general fund. (CD1)
SB3077 SD1 HD2 CD1073RELATING TO THE BARBERING AND COSMETOLOGY LICENSING ACT.Adds and updates definitions to satisfy current industry practice needs. Aligns and remedies inconsistencies between chapters on barbering and beauty culture. Removes the five‐ year license requirement for barber and beauty operator board of barbering and cosmetology member seats. Raises fees for penalties and disciplinary actions and removes medical clearance requirements. (CD1)
SB3084 HD1 CD1074RELATING TO THE ELEVATOR MECHANICS LICENSING BOARD COMPOSITION.Amends the composition of the Elevator Mechanics Licensing Board to replace the ex‐officio Department of Labor and Industrial Relations member with a licensed elevator mechanic member. (CD1)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
SB3072 SD2 HD1075RELATING TO THE HAWAII EMPLOYER‐UNION HEALTH BENEFITS TRUST FUND INVESTMENTS.Exempts the Hawaii employer‐union health benefits trust fund from being required to disclose certain types of alternative investment fund information under the Uniform Information Practices Act. (HD1)
HB137 HD1 SD2 CD1076RELATING TO LIQUOR.Removes the authority of the county liquor commissions to enforce the liquor tax law and requires violations of the liquor tax law to be referred to the director of taxation for investigation. Repeals the general right of inspection without a warrant for potential violations of the liquor tax law. Requires applications for liquor licenses to be notarized. Repeals the discretionary power of the liquor commission to deny a license to any person the liquor commission investigator finds is not fit and proper to hold a license. Repeals the requirement that investigative reports to the liquor commission include any and all matters that are relevant to the application or license in the judgment of the investigator. Effective 1/1/2023. (CD1)
HB1971 HD2 SD1 CD1077RELATING TO PEER‐TO‐PEER CAR‐SHARING.Authorizes and regulates peer‐to‐peer car‐sharing programs. Imposes the general excise tax and rental motor vehicle surcharge tax on peer‐to‐peer car‐sharing programs. Requires those persons engaging or continuing in a peer‐to‐ peer car‐sharing program to register with the department of taxation. (CD1)
HB2179 HD1 SD1078RELATING TO COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT TAXES.Authorizes the Director of Taxation to apply to the circuit court to convert certain tax liens into enforceable civil judgments. (SD1)
SB2379 SD2 HD2 CD1079RELATING TO THE SPECIAL ENFORCEMENT SECTION.Authorizes the Special Enforcement Section of the Department of Taxation to examine any sector of Hawaii’s economy, initiate civil investigations, use enforcement and education to deter and prevent non‐compliance with tax laws, and refer and recommend cases or examinations of segments of the economy to Department of Taxation auditors. (CD1)
SB2475 SD2 HD1 CD1080RELATING TO TAXATION.Clarifies that amounts received or accrued for stevedoring services, wharfage, and demurrage services are exempt under the general excise tax law. (CD1)
SB2202 HD1 CD1081RELATING TO VOLUNTEER MONTH.Designates the month of April of each year as the State’s Volunteer Month; provided that the month is not construed as a state holiday. Takes effect 7/1/2022. (CD1)
HB2475 HD1 SD1 CD1082RELATING TO STATE HOLIDAYS.Establishes July 31 of each year as La Hoihoi Ea. (CD1)
HB1692 SD2 CD1083RELATING TO MOBILE ELECTRONIC DEVICES.Increases the fines imposed for mobile electronic device violations. (CD1)
SB1211 SD2 HD1 CD1084RELATING TO MOTOR CARRIERS.Repeals the exemption for certain vehicles used by farmers from the motor carrier safety law. (CD1)
SB2118 SD1 HD2 CD1085RELATING TO TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS.Requires the driver of a moped to be in immediate possession of a valid driver’s license or instruction permit at all times. (CD1)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
HB1743 HD1 SD1086RELATING TO POOLS.For purposes of the Department of Health’s authority to adopt rules concerning public health and safety, defines “pool” to mean a watertight artificial structure containing a body of water that does not exchange water with any other body of water either naturally or mechanically used for swimming, diving, recreational bathing, or therapy by humans. (SD1)
HB1806 HD2 SD1087RELATING TO CESSPOOL CONVERSION.Requires cesspools in the State to be upgraded or converted to a wastewater system approved by the Director of Health before 1/1/2050. (SD1)
SB2279 SD2 HD2 CD1088RELATING TO CATALYTIC CONVERTERS.Regulates the purchase of catalytic converters by used motor vehicle parts dealers and palladium, platinum, and rhodium by scrap dealers and recyclers. Subjects persons who violate related provisions to a class C felony. Establishes the felony offense of theft of catalytic converter. Requires each county police department to maintain certain reported information and initiate education programs to prevent catalytic converter thefts. Effective 1/1/2023. (CD1)
SB2382 SD1 HD1 CD1089RELATING TO CABARET LICENSES.Prohibits the issuance of cabaret liquor licenses to premises located within an apartment mixed use subprecinct within a special improvement or special district in which the economy is primarily based on tourism. (CD1)
SB2390 SD2 HD1 CD1090RELATING TO THE JUDICIARY.Increases the number of associate judges on the Intermediate Court of Appeals from five to six. Appropriates funds. (CD1)
SB2663 SD1 HD2 CD1091RELATING TO FILING FEES.Changes the filing fee schedule for paternity actions by establishing an initial filing fee of $100 and eliminating fees to file motions. (CD1)
SB2869 SD1 HD2 CD1092RELATING TO SPOUSAL SUPPORT.Allows obligees under an order solely for spousal support to elect to enforce the order pursuant to chapters 651, 652, and 653, Hawaii Revised Statutes, rather than through the clerk of the court. (CD1)
SB3044 SD1 HD1093RELATING TO TOBACCO MANUFACTURER QUALIFIED ESCROW FUNDS.Provides a mechanism to assign nonparticipating tobacco manufacturers’ qualified escrow fund balances to the State. Provides a mechanism for the financial institution acting as the escrow agent of the qualified escrow fund to petition the courts to authorize transfer of funds to the State when the qualified escrow fund is abandoned. (HD1)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
SB3165 SD2 HD1 CD1094RELATING TO OPERATING A VEHICLE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF AN INTOXICANT.Amends the driver’s license revocation period for first‐time offenders convicted of operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant and people who do not install an ignition interlock device. Allows early termination of driver’s license revocation. Requires any person operating a vehicle with an ignition interlock device to have government‐issued identification in their immediate possession. Amends the lookback period and sentencing requirements for violations of operating a vehicle after license and privilege have been suspended or revoked. Amends the offense of circumventing or tampering with an ignition interlock device to include obscuring the camera lens or failing to provide a picture of the driver and extend the lookback period. Effective 1/1/2023. (CD1)
HB1587 HD1 SD1 CD1095RELATING TO AN INTRASTATE MUTUAL AID SYSTEM.Establishes the intrastate mutual aid system to allow counties to share resources in times of emergency or in preparation for emergencies. (CD1)
SB3329 SD1 HD2 CD1096RELATING TO PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN GOVERNMENT.Repeals the Citizen Participation in Government Act. Enacts the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act. (CD1)
HB956 HD1 SD2 CD1097RELATING TO STATEWIDE INTEROPERABLE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS.Establishes a statewide interoperable communications executive committee and subcommittee for public safety communications and the position of the statewide interoperable communications coordinator. Defines “interoperable communications”. Effective 1/1/2023. (CD1)
SB416 SD1 HD2 CD1098RELATING TO WITNESS FEES AND REIMBURSEMENTS IN CRIMINAL CASES.Clarifies applicable reimbursement to the State or defendant for expert witness fees, as it pertains to testimony, preparation, and in‐court attendance in state court criminal proceedings. Increases per diem payments for all witnesses. (CD1)
HB2120 HD1 SD2 CD1099RELATING TO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT.Clarifies current practices, policies, and procedures of the state emergency management program and updates it with the prevailing emergency management best practices. Highlights the intent of the State, Governor, and emergency management agencies to address environmental and climate impacts on emergency management. (CD1)
SB1112 SD2 HD1 CD1100RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.Amends the minimum appointment eligibility requirement for the adjutant general to be an officer that holds or has held a commission of the rank of Colonel in the military grade of O6 or above in the Army or Air National Guard, state defense force, or the Army or Air Force active component of the United States or a reserve component thereof who has served as a commissioned officer for at least ten years, and has no administrative actions that would prevent promotion to the rank of a general officer in the military grade of O7 or O8. Takes effect 7/1/2022. (CD1)
SB3087 SD1 HD2 CD1101RELATING TO THE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE COMPACT.Creates a new Emergency Management Assistance Compact. Repeals the existing Emergency Management Assistance Compact. (CD1)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
SB3126 SD2 HD2 CD1102RELATING TO THE BOILER AND ELEVATOR SAFETY LAW.Requires the Director of Labor and Industrial Relations to appoint a Chief Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspector. Allows the Director to authorize qualified boiler inspectors who are in the exclusive employment of an owner‐user inspection organization to perform safety inspections of pressure retaining items. Extends the time by which the Director is required to reimburse the general fund for the initial appropriation made to the Boiler and Elevator Revolving Fund from ten to thirteen years from the date that the fund was established. (CD1)
HB2169 HD1 SD2 CD1103RELATING TO THE COMPREHENSIVE OFFENDER REENTRY SYSTEM.Clarifies that the Department of Public Safety’s role is to work with the Department of Transportation and county examiners of drivers to assist inmates in obtaining civil identification cards necessary to transition into the workforce, access social services, and secure housing, rather than issue civil identification cards. (CD1)
SB2923 HD1 CD1104RELATING TO FIREWORKS.Increases the generally applicable fine and the fine for homeowner liability under the Fireworks Control Act from $2,000 to $5,000. Effective 7/1/2022. (CD1)
SB3140 SD1 HD1 CD1105RELATING TO THE UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT MANDATORY REPORTING.Requires the holder of a controlled substances registration to immediately verbally report the theft, embezzlement, fraud, or diversion of a controlled substance in the holder’s inventory, with a subsequent written report. Establishes a misdemeanor penalty for a person who prevents another from reporting, or who knowingly fails to provide information as required. (CD1)
SB3141 SD1 HD2 CD1106RELATING TO THE UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT.Amends the schedules for controlled substances under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act for purposes of conforming with updates in federal law. (CD1)
HB1891 HD1 SD1107RELATING TO THE UNIFORM RECOGNITION AND ENFORCEMENT OF CANADIAN DOMESTIC‐ VIOLENCE PROTECTION ORDERS ACT.Enacts the Uniform Recognition and Enforcement of Canadian Domestic‐Violence Protection Orders Act. (SD1)
HB1991 HD2 SD2 CD1108RELATING TO CONSUMER PROTECTION.In counties with a population of five hundred thousand or more, prohibits the sale of a bicycle that has been reported as stolen and is listed on a publicly available online stolen bicycle database. Requires the county police department or other designated agency to establish the publicly available online stolen bicycle database. Updates the recordkeeping and retention requirements for businesses that buy previously owned articles. (CD1)
HB2049 SD1109RELATING TO STATUTORY REVISION: AMENDING OR REPEALING VARIOUS PROVISIONS OF THE HAWAII REVISED STATUTES OR THE SESSION LAWS OF HAWAII FOR THE PURPOSES OF CORRECTING ERRORS AND REFERENCES, CLARIFYING LANGUAGE, OR DELETING OBSOLETE OR UNNECESSARY PROVISIONS.Amends or repeals various provisions of the Hawaii Revised Statutes or the Session Laws of Hawaii for the purposes of correcting errors and references, clarifying language, or deleting obsolete or unnecessary provisions. (SD1)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
HB2074 HD1 SD1110RELATING TO CREDIT FOR TIME OF DETENTION PRIOR TO SENTENCE.Clarifies that defendants shall not earn credit on a sentence imposed for a subsequent conviction for time being served on a previous felony conviction. (SD1)
HB2197 HD1 SD1 CD1111RELATING TO GAMBLING.Amends the definition of “advance gambling activity” to repeal playing or participating in any form of gambling activity. Amends the requisite state of mind for promoting gambling in the first and second degree to recklessness and criminal negligence, respectively. Amends the offenses of promoting gambling in the first and second degree to a class B felony and class C felony, respectively. Amends the offense of gambling to repeal advancing any gambling activity. Excludes the offenses of promoting gambling in the first and second degree from qualifying for deferred acceptance of guilty plea or nolo contendere plea. (CD1)
HB2213 HD1 SD1112RELATING TO MAIL THEFT.Establishes the misdemeanor offense of theft of mail. (SD1)
SB2821 SD2 HD1 CD1113RELATING TO MENSTRUAL EQUALITY.Requires the Department of Education to provide menstrual products free of charge to all students on all public school campuses. (CD1)
HB2510 HD2 SD1 CD1114RELATING TO INCOME.Makes the state earned income tax credit refundable and permanent. Provides for carryforward of nonrefundable credits previously claimed. Incrementally increases the minimum wage and tip credit beginning on 10/1/2022. (CD1)
SB514 SD1 HD1 CD2115RELATING TO THE GENERAL FUND.Provides a tax refund to the taxpayers of the State and makes deposits to the emergency and budget reserve fund and pension accumulation fund pursuant to article VII, section 6, of the Hawaii State Constitution. Appropriates funds. (CD1)
HB1586 HD2 SD1 CD1116RELATING TO DISASTER RESPONSE.Requires federal disaster relief reimbursement moneys, except federal disaster relief reimbursement moneys for the department of education, to be deposited into a trust account of the Hawaii emergency management agency and reimbursed to the originating fund of the expending agency, with funds to be returned to the general fund upon lapse of the original appropriation. Requires annual reports to the legislature on federal reimbursement moneys, and disaster response spending by each state department and agency. (CD1)
HB2309 HD2 SD2 CD1117RELATING TO INCARCERATION.Appropriates funds to the department of public safety for identification card machines, to the Hawaii paroling authority for community housing for parolees, and to the department of health for a forensic peer specialist program. Requires a report from each entity prior to the regular session of 2024. (CD1)
SB3294 SD2 HD1 CD1118RELATING TO REENTRY PLANNING CIRCLES.Appropriates moneys for reentry planning circles for incarcerated individuals. (CD1)
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HB2338 HD1 SD1 CD1119RELATING TO THE STATE DRUG AND ALCOHOL TOXICOLOGY TESTING LABORATORY.Makes an appropriation from the state highway fund to the department of health’s state drug and alcohol toxicology testing laboratory special fund for fiscal year 2022‐2023. Authorizes the department of health to expend funds from the state drug and alcohol toxicology testing laboratory special fund for the establishment of the state drug and alcohol toxicology testing laboratory. (CD1)
HB2339 HD1 SD1 CD1120MAKING AN EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION TO THE STATE DRUG AND ALCOHOL TOXICOLOGY TESTING LABORATORY SPECIAL FUND.Makes an emergency appropriation from the state highway fund to the department of health’s state drug and alcohol toxicology testing laboratory special fund for fiscal year 2021‐ 2022. Authorizes the department of health to expend funds from the state drug and alcohol toxicology testing laboratory special fund for the establishment of the state drug and alcohol toxicology testing laboratory. (CD1)
HB2515 HD2 SD2121RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH.Requires the Department of Health to establish and operate a laboratory capable of testing for diseases, testing for air and water quality issues, and conducting other high complexity testing. (SD2)
SB152 HD1 CD1122RELATING TO CHILD PASSENGER RESTRAINTS.Amends requirements for the restraint of child passengers. Requires a rear‐facing child passenger restraint system with harness for children under two years of age. Repeals exceptions for compliance. Raises certain fines for violations. (CD1)
SB2008 SD1 HD2 CD1123RELATING TO HIGHWAYS.Clarifies that the State and counties may only be held jointly and severally liable for acts or omissions relating to a condemned road that occurred after condemnation. Allows the State and counties to apply flexibility in highway design. (CD1)
HB2336 HD2 SD2 CD1124RELATING TO THE PHOTO RED LIGHT IMAGING DETECTOR SYSTEMS PROGRAM.Clarifies certain provisions in chapter 291J, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to better reflect the legislative intent of the photo red light imaging detector systems program. Amends Act 30, Session Laws of Hawaii 2020, as amended, to account for the current timetable of the photo red light imaging detector systems program. (CD1)
HB1741 HD1 SD2 CD1125RELATING TO CHILDREN AND FAMILY OF INCARCERATED INDIVIDUALS.Requires the department of human services to work with the department of public safety, family reunification working group, and other entities serving children and families affected by parental incarceration to establish a pilot visitation and family resource center at Waiawa correctional facility on Oahu whose staff includes trauma‐informed professionals who serve as liaisons and hookele for families affected by incarceration. Requires the department of human services to continue to lead a working group to address visitation and support needs of children and families of incarcerated individuals. Requires the working group to submit a report to the legislature before the regular session of 2023. Appropriates funds to the department of human services and department of public safety for the establishment of the pilot visitation and family resource center at Waiawa correctional facility. (CD1)
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HB2141 HD1 SD2126RELATING TO REPORTS TO THE LEGISLATURE FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES.Removes outdated reporting requirements for the Department of Human Services, including the Office of Youth Services. (SD2)
SB2857 SD2 HD1 CD1127RELATING TO CHILD WELLNESS.Establishes within the Department of Human Services, a five‐ year Child Wellness Incentive Pilot Program that pays $50 to each state medicaid benefit recipient for each completed well‐child examination of that recipient parent’s child. Requires the Department of Human Services to adopt rules and report to the Legislature. Appropriates funds. Repeals 6/30/2027. (CD1)
SB3110 SD2 HD1 CD1128RELATING TO CHILD CARE GRANT PROGRAMS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES.Renames the Preschool Grant Program Special Fund as the Child Care Grant Program Special Fund. Authorizes the Child Care Grant Program Special Fund to be used to give grants to child care facilities. Changes the legislative report due date for the Preschool Open Doors Special Fund and Child Care Grant Program Special Fund. Removes from the statutes governing the Preschool Open Doors Special Fund and Child Care Grant Program Special Fund, language allowing expenditures from the funds to be made without appropriation, to conform to state constitutional provisions. (CD1)
SB3111 SD2 HD1 CD1129RELATING TO FAMILY RESOURCE CENTERS.Establishes the Family Resource Centers Pilot Program within the Department of Human Services. Requires the Departments of Human Services, Education, and Health to coordinate with public and private entities to develop and implement family resource centers. Establishes one full‐time equivalent (1.0 FTE) Family Resource Centers Coordinator position. Requires reports to the Legislature. Appropriates funds. Repeals 6/30/2027. (CD1)
SB3235 SD1 HD1 CD1130RELATING TO SAFE SPACES FOR YOUTH PILOT PROGRAM.Establishes the Safe Spaces for Youth Pilot Program within the Department of Human Services. Requires the pilot program to collaborate with all state and county departments that offer services to ensure the well‐being of youth in Hawaii to coordinate the identification of youth who are experiencing homelessness and placement of these youth at a shelter for homeless youth. Requires the Department of Human Services to contract with nonprofit organizations to provide shelters for homeless youth. Requires the Department of Human Services to submit a report to the Legislature before the Regular Session of 2025. Appropriates funds. Repeals 6/30/2025. (CD1)
HB1992 HD3 SD1 CD1131RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENT.Permits composting and co‐composting operations in agricultural districts, under certain conditions. Establishes and appropriates funds for one full‐time equivalent permanent environmental health specialist IV position in the solid and hazardous waste branch of the department of health. (CD1)
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HB2062 HD1 SD1 CD1132RELATING TO AGRICULTURAL LOANS.Appropriates funds into and out of the agricultural loan revolving fund to fund class D emergency loans. Provides that the department of agriculture may approve emergency loans of up to $1,500,000 in excess of the $5,000,000 annual ceiling for the agricultural loan revolving fund during a state of emergency declared by the governor pursuant to chapter 127A, Hawaii Revised Statutes. (CD1)
HB2280 HD2 SD1 CD1133RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY.Prohibits planned community associations from prohibiting or unreasonably restricting the use of a unit owner’s enclosed yard area for personal agriculture, provided that the use is not in violation of the association’s existing master landscape plan or other restrictive covenants applicable to the unit. (CD1)
SB2284 SD2 HD1 CD1134RELATING TO AQUACULTURE.Establishes provisions relating to the Department of Agriculture’s governing of the business of aquaculture. Grants exclusive property rights to persons who lawfully obtain the cultured progeny of wild plants and animals by brood stock acquisition. Authorizes the Department of Agriculture to regulate the transportation, purchase, possession, and sale of specific aquaculture products as may be necessary to protect indigenous species. Requires the Department of Agriculture to prepare programmatic environmental impact reports and acquire land for aquacultural purposes. (CD1)
SB2621 SD1 HD1 CD1135RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.Appropriates funds to the Department of Agriculture to establish bovine tuberculosis control operations on Molokai, including staff, land, and equipment. (CD1)
SB2960 SD1 HD1 CD1136RELATING TO FOOD SAFETY.Requires the Department of Agriculture to partner with Hawaii’s agricultural community to establish and implement a food safety certification training program to help small‐ to medium‐sized farms comply with federal food safety certification mandates. Appropriates funds. (CD1)
SB2986 SD1 HD2 CD1137RELATING TO HEMP.Extends the sunset date of Act 14, Session Laws of Hawaii 2020, which establishes the state hemp processors and commercial hemp production laws, by three years to 2025. (CD1)
SB3379 SD1 HD1 CD1138RELATING TO BIOSECURITY.Appropriates funds for a ports‐of‐entry biosecurity program. (CD1)
SB339 SD2 HD1 CD1139RELATING TO THE IMPORTANT AGRICULTURAL LAND QUALIFIED AGRICULTURAL COST TAX CREDIT.Extends the period during which the important agricultural land qualified agricultural cost tax credit is available. Applies to taxable years beginning after 12/31/2021. (CD1)
SB2283 SD2 HD1 CD1140RELATING TO THE HAWAII HYDROGEN STRATEGIC PLAN.Requires the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute to conduct a study to examine the potential for the production and use of renewable hydrogen in the State and the potential role of renewable hydrogen in achieving a local, affordable, reliable, and decarbonized energy system and economy. Requires a report to the Legislature. (CD1)
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SB2359 SD1 HD1141RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII.Requires the University of Hawaii to establish K‐12 expanded teaching cohort programs in each county for students who are pursuing undergraduate degrees in education. Requires interim reports to the legislature prior to the regular sessions of 2023, 2024, and 2025, and a final report prior to the regular session of 2026. Repeals 12/31/2026. (HD1)
SB2893 SD1 HD1 CD1142RELATING TO A SCHOOL SUPPLY SUBSIDY PILOT PROGRAM.Establishes a one‐year school supply subsidy pilot program at all schools composed entirely of students eligible for participation in Title I, Part A, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act. Appropriates funds. Repeals on 1/1/2024. (CD1)
SB2826 SD2 HD1 CD1143RELATING TO EDUCATION.Establishes a career development success program within the Department of Education to provide financial incentives for participating public high schools to encourage students enrolled in grades nine through twelve to enroll in and successfully complete qualified industry‐credential programs. Establishes a similar program for public charter schools. Appropriates funds. (CD1)
HB1568 HD2 SD2 CD1144RELATING TO AGRICULTURE.Requires the department of education, department of health, department of public safety, department of defense, and University of Hawaii system to ensure that a certain percentage of food purchased for public schools, youth campuses, public hospitals, public prisons, and University of Hawaii system academic programs consists of fresh, local agricultural products or local value‐added, processed, agricultural, or food products. Requires each of those departments and the University of Hawaii system to annually report to the legislature on progress made toward meeting these benchmarks and clarifies the information to be reported. (CD1)
SB2081 SD2 HD1 CD1145RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES REVOLVING FUND.Establishes the Department of Education Commercial Enterprises Revolving Fund for funds to be expended in the operation of commercial enterprises by the Department of Education. (CD1)
SB2819 SD2 HD2 CD1146RELATING TO TEACHER COMPENSATION.Repeals sections 302A‐624(c) and 302A‐627(a), HRS. (CD1)
SB2822 SD1 HD1 CD1147RELATING TO ASTHMA.Authorizes the Department of Education to offer optional asthma education instruction to students and provide asthma training to teachers and other department employees who interact with students. (CD1)
SB3091 SD2 HD1 CD1148RELATING TO OPTIONS FOR STUDENTS IN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SCHOOLS.Broadens the scope of profit‐making operations students may engage in at schools to include commercial enterprises, while ensuring that engagement in commercial enterprises shall be related to the primary educational purposes of the school, career pathway, academy, or program. Allows students to receive school credit, compensation, or both, when they engage in profit‐making operations. (CD1)
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SB3092 SD1 HD1 CD1149RELATING TO COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES IN SCHOOLS.Deems student interns engaging in commercial enterprises to be employees of the State of Hawaii. Allows the Department of Education to use revenue generated from commercial enterprises. (CD1)
HB1579 HD2 SD2150RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH.Sets the manner by which the Oahu Regional Health Care System should request operational funding during the transitional period of the Oahu Regional Health Care System from the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation to the Department of Health. Extends the deadline by which the transfer shall take place. Requires a report to the Legislature prior to the Regular Session of 2025. Clarifies the procedure for the working group to discuss matters concerning patient privacy and prospective bidders. (SD2)
HB1640 HD2 SD1 CD1151RELATING TO RECYCLING.Changes the Electronic Waste and Television Recycling and Recovery Act to the Electronic Device Recycling and Recovery Act. Establishes electronic device manufacturer recycling goals and record keeping and reporting requirements for manufacturers and collectors. Requires collectors to register with the department of health. Expands the recycling and collection requirements of televisions to all electronic devices. Requires the electronic device recycling and recovery program to include, among other things, a description of the methods for the convenient collection of electronic devices. (CD1)
HB1644 HD1 SD1 CD1152RELATING TO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION.Bans the manufacture, sale, or distribution for sale or use of wraps and liners, plates, food boats, pizza boxes, and firefighting foams that contain perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, in certain circumstances. (CD1)
HB2195 HD2 SD1 CD1153RELATING TO CESSPOOLS.Establishes a cesspool compliance pilot grant project to assist low‐ and moderate‐income property owners, including lessees on Hawaiian home lands, with the costs of upgrading, converting, or connecting certain cesspools. Appropriates funds. Sunsets on 6/30/2028. (CD1)
SB2002 SD2 HD2154RELATING TO FAIR HOUSING REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS.Defines “assistance animal” in the context of Hawaii law prohibiting discrimination in real property transactions. Codifies the administrative process in verifying that a person requesting a reasonable accommodation that includes the use of an assistance animal has a disability and the assistance animal is needed to alleviate one or more symptoms of the person’s disability. Specifies that possession of a vest or other distinguishing animal garment, tag, or registration document commonly purchased online and purporting to identify an animal as a service animal or assistance animal does not constitute valid verification. Effective 11/1/2022. (HD2)
SB2137 SD2 HD1 CD1155RELATING TO TRANSITIONAL HOUSING.Requires the department of health and pertinent county agencies to work together to resolve problems and complaints regarding clean and sober homes. Requires the department of health to educate the public on certain matters related to clean and sober homes. (CD1)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
SB2290 SD1 HD1 CD1156RELATING TO MICROBEADS.Beginning 7/1/2022, bans the manufacture of a personal care product, except a non‐prescription drug, that contains plastic microbeads. Beginning 7/1/2023, bans the sale or offer for sale of a personal care product, except a non‐ prescription drug, that contains plastic microbeads. Beginning 7/1/2024, bans the sale or offer for sale of a non‐ prescription drug that contains plastic microbeads. Specifically exempts rinse‐off cosmetics or rinse‐off cosmetics that are also non‐prescription drugs regulated by the federal Microbead‐Free Waters Act of 2015. (CD1)
SB2600 SD2 HD2 CD1157RELATING TO UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS.Beginning 7/1/2022, prohibits issuance of permits for future large capacity underground storage tank systems mauka of the underground injection control line. Beginning 7/1/2022, prohibits operation of, and renewal of permits for, large capacity underground storage tank systems located mauka of the underground injection control line, except for maintenance necessary to safely support defueling, environmental requirements, operations directly related to defueling or actions required in emergency situations. (CD1)
SB2624 SD2 HD2 CD1158RELATING TO HEALTH.Requires the Department of Health to implement a telehealth pilot project and publish an evaluation report on the telehealth pilot project outcomes. Requires the Department to implement and administer a rural health care pilot project to provide physicians and nurse practitioners serving selected rural areas with an availability fee and reimbursements for certain expenses and submit to the Legislature an evaluation report on the rural health care pilot project outcomes. Appropriates funds to support the pilot projects. (CD1)
SB2679 SD2 HD2 CD1159RELATING TO DRIVER’S LICENSES.Extends the renewal period from two years to four years for licensees who are seventy‐two years of age or older but younger than eighty years of age. Takes effect 1/1/2023. (CD1)
SB3113 SD2 HD1160RELATING TO KUPUNA CARE PROGRAM.Incorporates the kupuna caregivers program into the kupuna care program and adds services for care recipients, caregivers, and employed caregivers. (HD1)
SB3121 SD2 HD1 CD1161RELATING TO FUNDING FOR PARKING FOR DISABLED PERSONS.Establishes an Accessible Parking Special Account within the Disability and Communication Access Board Special Fund. Increases the state annual vehicle registration fee by $1 and requires that $1 from each annual vehicle registration fee be deposited into the Accessible Parking Special Account. Requires all costs associated with the Statewide Parking for Persons with Disabilities program to be appropriated from the Accessible Parking Special Account beginning July 1, 2023. Effective 1/1/2023. (CD1)
SB3367 SD2 HD1 CD1162RELATING TO HEALTH.Creates an early lung cancer screening task force to research the steps and resources necessary to increase early lung cancer screening in Hawaii. Appropriates funds. (CD1)
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HB1432 HD1 SD2 CD1163RELATING TO CONCESSIONS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY.Increases the maximum term of a concession contract. Exempts certain operations of ground transportation services and parking lot operations at small boat harbors. Exempts concessions for beach or ocean‐related recreational services from sealed bid requirements, with certain conditions. Provides that a county director of parks and recreation has sole discretion to designate which county parks are environmentally, culturally, historically, or operationally unique for purposes of determining whether a concession at the park is exempt from the sealed bid requirements. Expands the exemption from the sealed bid requirements for concessions at county zoos, botanic gardens, or county parks that are designated by the respective county director of parks and recreation, in the director’s sole discretion, as environmentally, culturally, historically, or operationally unique; provided that the concessions are awarded to responsible offerors whose proposals are the most advantageous, rather than solely to certain nonprofit corporations. (CD1)
HB1472 HD1 SD1164RELATING TO THE WITHDRAWAL OF PETITION SIGNATURES.Amends the information necessary for a voter to withdraw their signature from a petition under election laws. (SD1)
HB1475 HD1 SD1 CD1165RELATING TO MANDATORY ETHICS TRAINING.Requires state legislators and employees to complete mandatory live or online ethics training courses every four years, subject to certain requirements. Effective 1/1/2023. (CD1)
HB1883 HD1 SD1166RELATING TO ELECTIONS.Requires the exterior of the envelope containing the ballot package for elections by mail to include instructions on how to obtain language translation services in Hawaiian and certain other non‐English languages. Applies to all elections beginning with the 2024 primary election. (SD1)
HB1885 HD1 SD1 CD1167RELATING TO GOVERNMENT DATA.Establishes a chief data officer and data task force within the office of enterprise technology services to develop, implement, and manage statewide data policies, procedures, and standards and to facilitate data sharing across state agencies. (CD1)
HB1974 HD1 SD2 CD1168RELATING TO PROCUREMENT.Establishes the small business assistance initiative within the state procurement office, to consist of a small business procurement coordinator and small business office. Appropriates funds. (CD1)
HB2416 HD2 SD1 CD1169RELATING TO CAMPAIGN SPENDING.Specifies consent procedures for when 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations operating as noncandidate committees can use donations for electioneering communications, independent expenditures, or contributions and requires these organizations to provide certain written notice to donors. Requires 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations operating as noncandidate committees to disclose the name and address of donors who make a donation individually or in an aggregate of more than $10,000, with certain exceptions. Adds definitions. Effective 1/1/2023. (CD1)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
HB2491 HD2 SD2 CD1170RELATING TO THE HAWAIIAN LANGUAGE.Requires all letterhead of the State and counties to include consistent Hawaiian names, words, and spelling. Requires the governor, lieutenant governor, state legislators, and heads of principal departments to prominently display a Hawaiian translation of the name of their respective office or department at least once on the main page of their official website and in the letterhead of their stationary. (CD1)
SB2043 HD1171RELATING TO CANDIDATE COMMITTEE AND NONCANDIDATE COMMITTEE ORGANIZATIONAL REPORTS.Repeals references in the campaign spending law that have been previously repealed. (HD1)
SB2144 SD1 HD1 CD1172RELATING TO ELECTRONIC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACCESSIBILITY FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES.Requires the Office of Enterprise Technology Services, in consultation with the Disability and Communication Access Board and a working group composed of stakeholders, to develop and publish, and periodically review and update, electronic information technology accessibility standards to be implemented by all state entities. (CD1)
SB2383 SD2 HD2 CD1173RELATING TO THE STATE PROCUREMENT POLICY BOARD.Decreases the number of members on the State Procurement Policy Board from seven to five. Amends the appointment and experience requirements for members. Repeals the State Procurement Policy Board Nominating Committee. (CD1)
SB2384 SD2 HD2 CD1174RELATING TO HAWAII PRODUCTS PREFERENCE.Amends the procurement preference for Hawaii products to only apply to agricultural goods, value‐added products, and commodities. (CD1)
SB2387 SD1 HD2 CD1175RELATING TO PROCUREMENT.Requires agencies to publicly post the justification for cancelling an invitation for bids or request for proposals, for a minimum of ten days, on a purchasing agency’s website, government electronic notification system, or by any other means the procurement officer deems effective. (CD1)
SB3040 SD2 HD1 CD1176RELATING TO PROCUREMENT.Authorizes the state procurement administrator to develop and administer procurement automation systems including methods to assess, charge, and collect a transaction fee for the use of the procurement automation systems to cover procurement automation system costs. Deletes language regarding qualified community rehabilitation programs made redundant by Act 55, SLH 2021. Appropriates funds for hiring of staff. (CD1)
SB3219 HD1 CD1177RELATING TO THE SUNSHINE LAW.Provides that the mandatory disclosure of the names of persons who are physically with a board member attending a remote board meeting applies only to the disclosure of the names of adults, and not minors, who are physically with the board member at a nonpublic location, unless the minor has a personal business, property, or financial interest with any issue before the board. Takes effect 7/1/2022. (CD1)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
SB3282 SD1 HD2 CD1178RELATING TO GOVERNMENT RECORDS.Allows the comptroller to direct the transfer of records to the State Records Center and determine the time period at which the records should be transferred. Appropriates funds for the costs necessary for the transfer of non‐permanent government records to the State Records Center. (CD1)
SB3284 SD2 HD2 CD1179RELATING TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES.Establishes a technology services consolidation working group to develop a plan for the phased consolidation of all state executive branch information technology services and staff, where determined practicable by the working group, within five years, excluding those of the Department of Education, Hawaii Health Systems Corporation, University of Hawaii, and Office of Hawaiian Affairs, under the Office of Enterprise Technology Services. Requires the working group to recommend ways to attract high‐quality information technology professionals to the State and report to the Legislature. Dissolves the working group on 12/31/2023. (CD1)
SB3372 SD1 HD2 CD1180RELATING TO PUBLIC PROCUREMENT.Authorizes the office of administrative hearings, where it is determined that an award of a contract is in violation of law and the award is rescinded and the contract, if executed, is terminated or declared null and void, to award the government contract to the next lowest bidder or next responsible offeror, if certain conditions are met. (CD1)
SB665 SD1 HD2 CD1181RELATING TO VIOLATIONS OF CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAW.Makes intentionally providing false information concerning the name or address of a person paying for a campaign advertisement a class C felony. Authorizes criminal prosecution for campaign finance law violations in addition to criminal fines. Increases the period during which a person convicted for a criminal violation of campaign finance law is disqualified from holding elective office. Authorizes the Attorney General or Prosecuting Attorney to commence prosecution of campaign finance law violations. (CD1)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
HB1829 HD2 SD2182RELATING TO BONDS.Requires any county or other issuer of private activity bonds to submit semi‐annual reports to the Department of Budget and Finance and Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation on the status or use of its portion of the allocation of the annual state ceiling. Amends the date by which the Director of Finance of each county must report to the Department of Budget and Finance the amount of its unused or unassigned allocation and requires that report to also be submitted to the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation. Prohibits the authorization of special purpose revenue bonds requiring allocation of the annual ceiling, unless requested by the governor and approved by the Legislature, between 6/30/2022 and 12/31/2028. Requires allocation of the annual ceiling to a county with a population of five hundred thousand or more between 6/30/2022 and 12/31/2028 to be used only for rental housing projects eligible for low‐income housing tax credits. Effective 7/2/2022. (SD2)
HB2088 HD3 SD2183RELATING TO FINANCING.Creates a commercial property assessed financing program under the administration of the Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority. Allows commercial property owners to finance qualifying improvements through a non‐ad valorem special property tax assessment. (SD2)
SB2898 SD2 HD2 CD1184RELATING TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT.Establishes the Transit‐Oriented Development Infrastructure Improvement District under the Hawaii Community Development Authority. Requires the Transit‐Oriented Development Infrastructure Improvement District Board to develop a program to identify necessary infrastructure improvements within the district. Establishes the Transit‐ Oriented Development Infrastructure Improvement District Special Fund. (CD1)
SB3325 SD2 HD1 CD1185RELATING TO CARBON SEQUESTRATION INCENTIVES.Establishes the Hawaii Carbon Smart Land Management Assistance Pilot Program to incentivize carbon sequestration activities through incentive contracts that provide compensation for eligible practices by program participants. Repeals the Carbon Offset Program. (CD1)
HB1810 HD1 SD1186RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL.Defines what constitutes a quorum for the environmental advisory council. Specifies the number of votes required to make any action of the council valid. (SD1)
HB1983 HD1 SD2 CD1187RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, AND TOURISM.Establishes the state media industry development liaison to plan, develop, and execute a statewide media industry development strategy for purposes of establishing a collaborative media industry development program. Appropriates funds for the state media industry development liaison and an administrative assistant position. (CD1)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
HB2255 HD1 SD1 CD1188RELATING TO ENERGY EFFICIENCY.Requires that public benefits fee administrator and utility rebates be used where available for state buildings and facilities. Prioritizes building and facility appliances that meet the required standards to qualify for public benefits fee administrator rebates. (CD1)
SB2056 SD1 HD1 CD1189RELATING TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS.Requires the Office of Planning and Sustainable Development, in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture and Land Use Commission, to conduct a study of the suitability of soil classification systems for the regulation of agricultural lands. Requires a report to the Legislature. Appropriates funds. (CD1)
SB2398 SD2 HD2 CD1190RELATING TO THE HAWAII COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY.Creates the Pulehunui community development district to allow for planning, development, and maintenance of public lands in Pulehunui, Maui. Amends the Hawaii community development authority membership to include the director of business, economic development, and tourism; chairperson of the board of land and natural resources; and director of the office of planning or planning and permitting of each county, or their respective designees, in which a community development district is located. Amends community representatives on each board from three to two at‐large members. Establishes membership for quorum on matters related to the Pulehunui community development district. (CD1)
SB2583 SD2 HD1191RELATING TO PUBLIC LANDS.Exempts non‐ceded lands set aside by the governor to the Hawaii housing finance and development corporation from classification as public land. (HD1)
SB2808 SD1 HD1 CD1192RELATING TO THE HAWAII TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION.Appropriates funds to the Hawaii Technology Development Corporation for the State Small Business Credit Initiative Program. (CD1)
SB3054 SD1 HD1 CD1193RELATING TO THE HAWAII FILM AND CREATIVE INDUSTRIES DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL FUND.Expands the funding sources and authorized uses of the Hawaii film and creative industries development special fund. Makes an appropriation out of the special fund. (CD1)
HB1536 HD2 SD2 CD1194RELATING TO THE JUDICIARY.Appropriates supplemental funds for the judiciary for the fiscal biennium beginning 7/1/2021 and ending 6/30/2023. (CD1)
SB3357 SD2 HD2 CD1195RELATING TO NATIVE HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS.Requires certain departments and agencies to provide grants to tax‐exempt nonprofit organizations that have experience and expertise in supporting and advancing Native Hawaiian communities. Makes appropriations. (CD1)
HB1798 HD1 SD2 CD1196RELATING TO SPECIAL PURPOSE REVENUE BONDS FOR ASSISTING NOT‐FOR‐PROFIT CORPORATIONS THAT PROVIDE HEALTH CARE FACILITIES TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC.Authorizes the issuance of special purpose revenues bonds to assist The Queen’s Health Systems for the financing of costs related to the construction of, improvement to, and equipping of health care facilities. (CD1)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
SB2070 SD1 HD1 CD1197RELATING TO SPECIAL PURPOSE REVENUE BONDS TO ASSIST THE HAWAIIAN LEGACY REFORESTATION INITIATIVE TO RESTORE HAWAII’S FORESTS AND NATURAL RESOURCES.Authorizes the Department of Budget and Finance to issue special purpose revenue bonds to assist Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative, LLC, in its mission to proliferate a sustainable model of endemic reforestation, ecosystem revitalization, endangered species recovery, and carbon credit sequestering. (CD1)
SB2865 SD2 HD1 CD1198RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL PURPOSE REVENUE BONDS TO ASSIST DIBSHAWAII LLC.Authorizes the issuance of special purpose revenue bonds to assist DIBSHawaii LLC in the construction of a net‐zero carbon capture storage utilization platform that will recover vented carbon dioxide emissions and scrub and liquify the emissions into food grade liquid carbon dioxide. (CD1)
SB3280 SD1 HD1 CD1199RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL PURPOSE REVENUE BONDS TO ASSIST SAINT JOSEPH SCHOOL.Authorizes the issuance of special purpose revenue bonds to assist Saint Joseph School in planning, designing, constructing, reconstructing, renovating, acquiring, equipping, and improving educational facilities. (CD1)
SB3324 SD2 HD2 CD1200RELATING TO INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE IN HOUSING SUBDIVISIONS.Establishes a working group to examine and address the problem of infrastructure repair and maintenance in planned housing subdivisions that do not have compulsory homeowner associations. Requires a report to the legislature before the 2024 regular session. Appropriates funds. (CD1)
SB2474 SD2 HD1 CD1201RELATING TO RENEWABLE ENERGY.Requires the Public Utilities Commission to contract with a qualified consultant conduct a study on the accessibility of Hawaii’s electric system and procedures for interconnection to Hawaii’s electric system. Requires a report to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2023. Appropriates funds. (CD1)
SB2720 SD2 HD2 CD1202RELATING TO ENERGY.Allows new electric vehicle charging stations and certain upgrades having a single port to qualify for a rebate. Removes the $500,000 cap on the electric vehicle charging station rebate program. Specifies that no rebates shall be approved after available funds are exhausted for the fiscal year. Increases flexibility of the Public Utilities Commission to administer the electric vehicle charging station rebate program. Increases the percentage of funds that the Public Utilities Commission may use for administration of the rebate program. Allows for marketing and outreach expenses to be included within allowable administration costs of the electric vehicle charging station rebate program. Appropriates funds out of the electric vehicle charging system subaccount for the electric vehicle charging system rebate program. (CD1)
HB1758 HD2 SD2203RELATING TO NURSES.Allows for temporary permits to be issued to registered nurses and licensed practical nurses from a territory or foreign country who are seeking a state license by endorsement. (SD2)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
HB1179 HD1 SD1 CD1204RELATING TO INVASIVE SPECIES.Establishes a pilot program within the Aina Mauna legacy program of the department of Hawaiian home lands to remove and harvest gorse from Mauna Kea and develop it as a marketable product to expand economic opportunities for native Hawaiians. Requires reports to the legislature. Appropriates funds. Repeals 6/30/2026. (CD1)
SB3195 SD2 HD1 CD1205RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS.Appropriates funds to the department of Hawaiian home lands for the investigation, exploration, and identification of geothermal resources on Hawaiian home lands. (CD1)
SB879 SD1 HD2 CD1206RELATING TO COUNTIES.Requires the counties to maintain infrastructure within sixty days and under specified conditions, as part of any housing development for the department of Hawaiian home lands. (CD1)
SB2065 SD2 HD2 CD1207RELATING TO FISHING.Prohibits the possession or use of unmanned aerial vehicles on, in, or near state marine waters for purposes of fishing, unless permitted by the Department of Land and Natural Resources. (CD1)
HB1672 HD1 SD2208RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS.Expands the purpose and rationale for which counties may create special improvement districts to include environmental research, restoration, and maintenance; natural resource management; and natural hazard mitigation to improve environmental conditions and provide community benefits. Effective 7/1/2022. (SD2)
HB2006 HD1 SD1209RELATING TO PERMITS.Requires, for emergency permits to install sandbags, that the Board of Land and Natural Resources include as a condition on the emergency permit a requirement for the attachment of identifying information, including the permittee’s contact information and the permit number, to the sandbag. Requires the Board of Land and Natural Resources to specify the form and manner in which the identifying information is to be attached to the sandbag. Effective date 7/1/2022. (SD1)
HB2329 HD2 SD2 CD1210RELATING TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION.Requires the department of land and natural resources to place historical markers throughout the State to indicate sites in the State that were significant in the life of President Barack Obama that have been identified by the department in consultation with the Hawaii tourism authority and state foundation on culture and the arts. Appropriates funds. (CD1)
HB2332 HD1 SD2211RELATING TO EASEMENTS.Allows the granting of easements on undeveloped public lands affecting the transfer of public lands between the Department of Land and Natural Resources to the Department of Agriculture, pursuant to Chapter 166E, HRS, to be exempted from formal subdivision process and approval requirements, including requirements for surveying and formalizing easements. Limits exemptions to easements created for a public purpose on public or government‐owned lands. (SD2)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
SB1411 SD2 HD1 CD1212RELATING TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION.Increases civil and administrative fines for certain violations of historic and preservation requirements and makes violators liable for costs associated with mitigation or preservation measures. (CD1)
SB2752 SD2 HD2 CD1213RELATING TO ABANDONED WELLS.Clarifies the definition of the term “abandoned well”. Requires abandoned well owners to seal the well at the owner’s expense. (CD1)
SB3298 SD1 HD1 CD1214RELATING TO SHOOTING FACILITIES.Establishes a working group consisting of the Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources, Director of Public Safety, and hunters and recreational shooters to determine potential locations and requirements for a shooting facility in the County of Hawaii. (CD1)
SB573 SD1 HD1215RELATING TO WILDLIFE.Requires all habitat conservation plans to include an agreement for plan participants to enter into and maintain an annual service contract with a stand‐by and response facility available to provide emergency medical and rehabilitation services to native wildlife affected by activities undertaken within the plan area. (HD1)
SB2478 SD2 HD2 CD1216RELATING TO TAXATION.Reinstates a renewable fuels production tax credit. Applies to taxable years beginning after 12/31/2021. (CD1)
HB1982 HD2 SD2 CD1217RELATING TO TAXES.Beginning 1/1/2023, requires every person making payment to a loan‐out company and claiming the motion picture, digital media, and film production income tax credit to withhold and remit to DOTAX a portion of all payments to the loan‐out company; increases the amount of the tax credit; amends the requirements to claim the tax credit, including reducing the amount of qualified productions costs; removes the requirement for productions to submit a verification review by a qualified certified public accountant when applying for the tax credit; requires the report by DBEDT to include the dollar amount claimed, name of the company, and name of the qualified production of the taxpayer; changes the time frame for DBEDT to issue a letter to the taxpayer claiming the tax credit; increases the cap of the claimable amount of the tax credit; requires taxpayers to submit a fee to DBEDT; and clarifies the definition of “qualified production costs”. Extends the period during which excess income tax credits may be claimed to 12/31/2032. Authorizes, and appropriates funds for, DOTAX to establish 2 full‐time equivalent tax auditor positions. Requires, and appropriates funds for, DBEDT to establish 1 full‐time equivalent program specialist position. (CD1)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
SB2378 SD1 HD2 CD1218RELATING TO THE TAXATION BOARD OF REVIEW.Beginning 1/1/2023, adjusts membership of the state taxation board of review; requires the chair of the board to have certain qualifications; and establishes a compensation schedule for board members. Authorizes board members to validate board actions by a majority of the members who heard the appeal and sets quorum. Clarifies that board meetings are contested case hearings and provides notice requirements. Clarifies the legal and evidentiary framework the board may use in reaching its decisions. Appropriates funds. (CD1)
SB2473 SD2 HD2 CD1219RELATING TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.Amends the focus, scope, responsibilities, and powers of the Agribusiness Development Corporation (ADC). Amends the definition of the term “agriculture” as the term relates to the ADC. Transfers the administrative attachment of the ADC from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism. Amends the requirements and responsibilities of the board of directors of the ADC. Amends the required contents of the Hawaii agribusiness plan. Appropriates moneys. (CD1)
SB3334 SD2 HD1 CD1220RELATING TO GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS.Establishes the Director of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, or a designee of the director, as an ex‐officio voting member of the Hawaii Tourism Authority and Stadium Authority boards. Transfers the Stadium Authority from the Department of Accounting and General Services to the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism. Amends the composition of the Stadium Authority. Amends the development guidance policies of the Stadium Authority. Reduces the amount of general obligation bonds that may be issued for the stadium development district. (CD1)
HB871 HD1 SD1 CD1221RELATING TO AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES.Authorizes the department of agriculture to plan, design, construct, operate, manage, maintain, repair, demolish, and remove infrastructure on any lands under the jurisdiction of the department, to support and promote agriculture. Establishes the agricultural enterprise program. Requires the board of agriculture to annually report an accounting of non‐ agricultural park lessees to the legislature. (CD1)
HB1517 HD2 SD2 CD1222RELATING TO COFFEE.Directs the department of agriculture to conduct an independent study to assess the economic impact on local coffee farmers and the local coffee industry from potential changes to coffee labeling requirements. Appropriates funds for the independent study. (CD1)
HB1436 HD1 SD2 CD1223RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS.Expands the authority of the counties to transfer development rights to address areas at risk of sea level rise, coastal erosion, storm surge, or flooding associated with climate change. (CD1)
SB2817 SD1 HD1224RELATING TO EDUCATION ANNUAL REPORT REQUIREMENTS.Repeals certain Department of Education annual reporting requirements. (HD1)
Bill NumberACT #Bill TitleBill Description
SB3090 SD1 HD1 CD1225RELATING TO FEDERAL INDIRECT OVERHEAD REIMBURSEMENTS.Broadens the purposes for which indirect costs incurred by the Department of Education, State Public Charter School Commission, or a charter authorizer from federal grants may be reimbursed. (CD1)
SB2021 SD1 HD2 CD1226RELATING TO INCREASING THE PAYMENT AMOUNT FOR THE OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS’ PRO RATA SHARE OF THE PUBLIC LAND TRUST.Establishes the annual share of income and proceeds from the public land trust for fiscal year 2022‐2023 due to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Establishes and appropriates amounts to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Establishes a working group to determine pro rata share of income and proceeds from the public land trust due annually to Office of Hawaiian Affairs. (CD1)
HB1411 HD2 SD1227RELATING TO REGISTRATION OF VEHICLES.Requires that the transferee’s and transferor’s address be provided on the certificate of ownership when the title to a motor vehicle is transferred. Clarifies that the signature of the transferee and signature of the transferor each serve as an attestation by that respective party as to the validity of the information on the certificate of ownership. Imposes a fine on a party who provides false or fraudulent information. Takes effect 7/1/2023. (SD1)
HB1412 HD2 SD1 CD1228RELATING TO ABANDONED VEHICLES.Requires the counties to provide a minimum distance a vehicle must be moved within a specified timeframe after a vehicle is initially inspected for abandonment to avoid an official classification of abandonment. Requires that, before a vehicle can be classified as being abandoned, notice be provided that the vehicle must be moved the specified distance within the specified timeframe or be subject to removal. (CD1)
HB1413 HD2 SD1 CD1229RELATING TO ABANDONED VEHICLES.Allows the director of finance of a county to require payment of outstanding charges and fines owed to the county relating to the disposition of an abandoned vehicle within the county by the registered owner of the abandoned vehicle before issuing a certificate of registration or completing a transfer of ownership, except under certain circumstances. Requires the county directors of finance to notify the appropriate county examiner of drivers of individuals who have outstanding charges and fines owed to the county relating to the disposition of an abandoned vehicle for the purposes of suspending, revoking, or prohibiting the renewal of their driver’s licenses. (CD1)

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