Big Island Thieves

Alert of Hawaii DMV Profile Email Phishing Scam

The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) alerts the public of a scam asking people for their social security and license plate numbers.

The phishing link was sent out on an email from that stated: “You have an incomplete Hawaii DMV contact informations [sic] on your Hawaii Department of Motor Vehicle [sic].

“You are required to update your Hawaii DMV profile

“Thanks, Hawaii Department of Motor Vehicle [sic]”

In Hawaii motor vehicle registration and licensing is conducted by the Counties. DMV information would not be solicited over email. The County DMVs would send an individualized letter or call the registered owner directly to request the information be submitted in person. No sensitive information would be requested over the phone.

If you have received this phishing email, please do not click on the links within. Delete it immediately.

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