Photo Courtesy of DLNR
About 36-hours after the official recruitment period opened for 46 coveted positions for Hawai‘i Conservation Resources Enforcement Officers (CREOs), it closed.
The DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) anticipated that the pre-established numbers of applications for each of the main Hawaiian Islands would close quickly, as CREO positions are considered some of the most sought-after jobs within State government.
DOCARE Chief Jason Redulla said, “We anticipated and appreciate the high-level of interest in these jobs, from individuals without any previous law enforcement background. We respectfully ask those who did not complete on-line applications in time to not call our offices or other State offices, as instructions about the application process were well publicized in advance. We do hope in future years, there will be other opportunities for people wanting to become CREOs.”
Submitted applications will be reviewed and qualified candidates will be referred to the Department soon for the next phase in the recruitment process. Those who clear these next steps of the hiring process will then be granted entrance into the DOCARE Rookie Training Academy, scheduled to begin in 2022.