Hawaiʻi County has named Aulani Freitas the Hawaiʻi Island Film Commissioner within the Department of Research & Development. Commissioner Freitas brings nearly two decades of television and film industry experience to her new role, having most recently worked on shows such as American Idol and Magnum P.I. She has also worked within the State of Hawaiʻi Creative Industries Division. Her appointment will begin on June 16.
Commissioner Freitas is energized by the opportunities that exist for film and creative industries on Hawaiʻi Island, saying, “We are a huge island and could accommodate a large commercial structure to house a future film studio and creatives to create better-paying positions on Hawaiʻi Island.”
“We are excited to have a highly experienced, Native Hawaiian woman driving the film industry here on Hawaiʻi Island,” said Mayor Mitch Roth. “The film industry’s future here begins and ends with thoughtfulness and respect. We are confident that Aulani will bring that attitude to the table while elevating Hawaiʻi Island as the best place to film blockbuster feature films, documentaries, and everthing in between.”
Aulani’s favorite movie is “Field of Dreams.” She often quotes, “if you build it, they will come,” as she works to create positions in all facets of production. She has a big vision and is excited to bring sustainable jobs to Hawaiʻi Island workers while helping film and creative industries diversify our island’s economy.