As temperatures climb and summer approaches, Hawaiʻi residents face the dual challenges of rising temperatures and increasing electricity bills. With June just around the corner, the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Division of Consumer Advocacy (DCA) highlights the upcoming annual application period for the Hawai‘i Home Energy Assistance Program (H-HEAP), which offers energy credits and other support for households struggling to manage their utility costs.
“In the face of summer’s heat and the resulting surge in utility bills, it’s crucial for residents to know that household assistance programs are available,” said the Executive Director of the Division of Consumer Advocacy Michael Angelo. “These programs are lifelines for many families, providing much-needed relief during challenging times.”
H-HEAP previously known as LIHEAP, H-HEAP is a federal program designed to help families keep their utilities on, especially those households that are most vulnerable, such as the elderly, the disabled, and households with young children. H-HEAP assists households by providing a one-time payment toward their electric or gas bill. The payment is made directly to the energy provider on behalf of the eligible household through either the Energy Credit or Energy Crisis Intervention program.
- Energy Credit (EC) assists needy households who are not in crisis but need assistance with bill payment for the heating and cooling of their residence. Applications are accepted annually in June. This year’s applications are open from June 3 – 28, 2024.
- Energy Crisis Intervention (ECI) assists households in crisis whose electric or gas service has been or will be disconnected. Applications for ECI are accepted year-round, but the number of approvals each month are limited and fill quickly.
Other direct utility assistance and household financial resources available to Hawaiʻi residents include:
- Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP): Provides aid to low-income households to manage water-related expenses.
Learn more at https://www.hcapweb.org/low-income-home-energy-assistance-program-liheap. https://www.hcapweb.org/low-income-home-energy-assistance-program-liheap/
- Catholic Charities Hawai‘i Rental and Utility Relief Program (RURP): Offers support to renters in the City and County of Honolulu. Community enrollment events provide opportunities for new applicants.
Learn more at https://www.catholiccharitieshawaii.org/rental-utility-relief-program/.
- Aloha United Way 2-1-1: Provides vital assistance and resources for individuals facing challenges in meeting their rental and utility payments.
Learn more at https://auw211.org/.
- Salvation Army: Provides vital assistance and resources for individuals facing challenges in meeting their utility payments.
Learn more at https://hawaii.salvationarmy.org/hawaii_2/fso/.
- Hawai‘i Energy Efficiency Tips and Rebate Programs: Discover long-term solutions via energy efficiency tips and strategies to permanently reduce utility bills. Hawai‘i Energy also offers cash rebates that assist in investing in energy-efficient equipment for homes.
Learn more at https://hawaiienergy.com/for-homes/tips-to-save-energy/.
- Honolulu BWS WaterSensible Program: Offers conservation incentives for residents and businesses, including rebates and initiatives for both residential and commercial sectors, and WaterWisdom program for condominiums and townhome complexes.
Learn more at https://www.boardofwatersupply.com/watersensible.
The Division of Consumer Advocacy does not endorse any specific program but serves as an information source for consumers seeking information on available assistance. It’s important to note that the status of these programs, including available funds, and eligibility requirements are subject to change without notice.