As of Friday, August 26, 2022, the following individuals are wanted by the Hawaii Police Department because of outstanding warrants: Jose Silva, 38, HiloMelinda Silva, 43, HiloNohea K.P. Silva, 20, …
Hawai‘i Island police have identified the woman involved in the fatal public accident involving a single motor vehicle that was reported on Monday, August 15, 2022, at 6:43 p.m. The …
Hawai‘i Island police arrested and charged a 53-year-old man, Kim Kanakamaikai of Hawaiian Acres, with various offenses stemming from a domestic-related incident on Ale Road in Hawaiian Acres, on Saturday …
Hawai‘i Island police have initiated a coroner’s inquest investigation following an early morning incident in Hilo that left one man dead. On Wednesday, August 24, 2022, at 6:20 a.m., South …
The Hawai`i Police Department announces that it has revised the permitting process for license to carry concealed and unconcealed firearms as a result of the July 23, 2022, Supreme Court …
NOTICE OF RULEMAKING USING HRS § 183D-3(b), ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENTAUTHORITYAugust 22, 2022 DATE: September 23, 2022TIME: 9 A.M.PLACE: In person at 1151 Punchbowl St. Room 132 (KalanimokuBuilding), online via ZOOM, livestream …
Hawai’i Island police detectives are investigating an officer-involved shooting incident that occurred on Tuesday afternoon, August 23, 2022, shortly after 4:00 p.m. South Hilo Patrol officers responded to a report …
Hawai‘i Island police are asking for the public’s assistance in locating 68-year-old Cynthia Macdonald of Mountain View, who was reported missing. She was last heard from on Sunday, August 21, …
Police Chief Paul Ferreira has promoted three employees from the rank of Lieutenant to Captain, effective August 16, 2022. Captain Rio Amon-Wilkins A 23-year veteran of the department is now …
Local News

Did you hear about the elderly man who was mauled by several dogs yesterday,July 27th on 24th Ave in HPP?
There is nothing about it in the news anywhere and people being attacked by dogs is getting worse and worse.
I have second hand information and it is from my husband who was there working on a house on the street when it happened.
Aloha, No we didn’t. There was a recently new Law passed in our county. Did you post about it in our facebook group. Sometimes a little light on subject shines bright.