Two men died following a single-vehicle collision in the early morning hours on Sunday, February 5, 2023, at the intersection of Waikoloa Road and the Queen Ka‘ahumanu Highway in South …
32-year-old Aina Kealoha Bill Cachero, of Hilo, has been arrested and charged with an array of offenses following an officer-involved shooting incident that occurred late Friday morning, February 3, 2023, …
Hawai‘i Island police detectives are investigating an officer-involved shooting incident that occurred late Friday morning in Hilo. On Friday, February 3, 2023, at approximately 11:35 a.m., South Hilo patrol officers …
PUBLIC NOTICEAMENDMENT TO 2021 ACTION PLAN FOR THECOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM In accordance with the County’s approved Citizen Participation Plan, an amendment to the County’s Action Plan requires the …
Prosecuting Attorney Kelden Waltjen announced that a Puna man, 36 year-old Albert Kumia Jr., was sentenced to concurrent prison terms in Hilo Circuit Court for Unauthorized Control of a Propelled …
The Hawai’i Police Department is investigating an officer involved shooting that occurred in Pāhala on Saturday afternoon, January 28, 2023. Shortly before 5 p.m. on Saturday, two officers went to …
36-year-old Omar Gonzales, of Honoka‘a, has been arrested and charged with multiple drug offenses after recovering marijuana and cocaine during the execution of a search warrant on Friday morning, January …
Hawaiʻi Circuit Court Judge Jeffrey P. Crabtree lifted an injunction in a case filed by opponents of commercial aquarium fishing, prohibiting the issuance or renewal of aquarium fish permits to …
HAWAI’I COUNTY COUNCILNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date: February 7, 2023Time: 6:00 p.m.Place: Hilo Council Chambers, Hawai’i County Building, 25 Aupuni St., Hilo, Hawai’i 96720 Pursuant to Section 92-41, Hawai’i Revised …
Local News

Did you hear about the elderly man who was mauled by several dogs yesterday,July 27th on 24th Ave in HPP?
There is nothing about it in the news anywhere and people being attacked by dogs is getting worse and worse.
I have second hand information and it is from my husband who was there working on a house on the street when it happened.
Aloha, No we didn’t. There was a recently new Law passed in our county. Did you post about it in our facebook group. Sometimes a little light on subject shines bright.