We are live!!!!!!!!!!
Due to feedback from users about Bigislandthieves.com’s slow page and link loading time, we contracted out to optimize the page speed. Sadly, this resulted in a crash and the site being down for almost 48 hours.
We are super stoked to say, that Bigislandthieves.com is back up and running as smooth, as ever! We appreciate all the support, comments and shares we received daily on the webpage.
Some concerns about Ads on the page… Right now, we are working out the final details for advertising spots and have several interested local companies. If interested, let us know. We only have a few open spots at the introductory rate. But for now, Google Ad’s pays the bills. It’s not much, but a little,is more than nothing.
We can’t thank you enough for the support and we will continue to work hard to get you news, information and education.
We have loads of content on the page and will continue to grow! From news to local stories, health videos of boxing tips from Different Level’s, own DJ Delfin, to podcast and even a section for up and coming local artist.
Supporting BIT for what we do is as simple as visiting the page, sharing our stories and supporting our paid local sponsors. Much Mahalo to all of you. You make Big Island Thieves what it is! A community