HONOLULU – The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) Harbors Division informs the public the Celebrity Eclipse vessel is scheduled to arrive at Honolulu Harbor on Friday, Dec. 11, 2020 at approximately 7 a.m. and depart the same day.
The ship is coming from San Diego, California en route to Singapore. It is stopping in Honolulu for fuel only with no other operations planned. All crewmembers will remain on the ship at all times while in Honolulu. No passengers have been on the ship since May 2020.
The ship has been medically declared to be COVID-19 free for more than 28 days. The ship’s leadership reports the crewmembers are monitored daily and have their temperature taken twice a day. There are no health concerns, influenza like illness or respiratory issues with anyone on the ship. It will continue to communicate with the U.S. Coast Guard and HDOT Harbors Division throughout the scheduled stop.
Cruise lines worldwide have extended their suspension of operations due to COVID-19. For a list of cruise cancellation updates please click here.