DATE: April 22, 2022
TIME: 2:00 pm
LOCATION: County of Hawai`i, Office of Management, Pueo Conference Room, 25 Aupuni Street, Suite 2603, Hilo, HI 96720
Pursuant to Chapters 91 and 92, Hawai’i Revised Statutes, the County of Hawai’i, Cost of Government Commission (“Commission”) hereby provides notice of a Public Hearing to all persons interested, regarding the of Rules of the Hawai’i County Cost of Government Commission (“Rules”).
The Cost of Government Commission proposes to repeal and replace its current rules and replace them with new proposed rules.
Both the Repealed Rules and Proposed Rules may be reviewed in person, free of charge, at the Office of the Mayor, 25 Aupuni St, Suite 2603, Hilo, Hawai’i, during normal business hours, Monday through Friday from 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding County furloughs and holidays.
A printed copy of Repealed Rules and Proposed Rules will also be mailed to any interested person who requests a copy, subject to the required fees for the copy and postage, if any.
Requests for a copy of the proposed draft Rules may be made in person at the Office of the Mayor, 25 Aupuni St, Suite 2603, Hilo, Hawai’i, 96720, email to pbartolome@hawaiicounty.gov or JeanM.Miskovich@hawaiicounty.gov or call 808-961-8211.
In accordance with HRS § 91-3(a)(2), any interested person may submit data, views, arguments or other testimony regarding the proposed amendment, orally or in writing, at the Public Hearing noted above. Any person desiring to present oral testimony should register prior to the convening of the hearing.
Written testimony may also be submitted in person at the Office of the Mayor, 25 Aupuni St., Suite 2603, Hilo, Hawai’i, 96720 or emailed to pbartolome@hawaiicounty.gov or JeanM.Miskovich@hawaiicounty.gov and must be received by end-of-day, April 21, 2022. Further, the Commission intends to decide on adoption of the amendment at the Hearing or will then announce the date when it intends to make its decision.
If you require an accommodation or auxiliary aid and/or services to participate in the meetings (i.e. sign language interpreter, large print), please call 961-8083 ten (10) days prior to the meeting date.