Accepted June 1-15 and July 1-15, 2022
In accordance with Section 23-58B of the Subdivision Code, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following applications have been submitted.
*Applicant **Subdivider
1. **Claude Dickson (PL-CON-2022-000021) on 24,195 sf into 1 lot, size 24,195 sf, at Kehau Rd. & Ginger Rd., TMK: 1-4-074:086, 087, & 088.
2. **Woods, Maika K. & Angela D. (PL-SUB-2022-000071) on 17.745 ac, into 4 lots, sizes 6.249 ac, 3.934 ac, 3.618 ac, & 3.944 ac, at Waiakea, TMK: 2-4-083:014.
3. **Shimooka, Reyn (PL-SUB-2022-000074) on 60,000 sf, into 4 lots, sizes 15,000 sf, 15,000 sf, 15,000 sf, & 15,000 sf, at Ponahawai, TMK: 2-5-015:050.
4. **Berkey, Walt & Lorelle (PL-SUB-2022-000075) on 1.749 ac, into 3 lots, sizes 15,023 sf, 15,023 sf, & 1.060 ac, at Waiakea, TMK: 2-4-009:038.
5. **Parker Land Trust (PL-SUB-2022-000076) on 72.64 ac, into 2 lots, sizes 1.619 ac & 71.021 ac, at Puukapu & Waikoloa, TMK: 6-7-002:068 & 069.
6. **Parker Land Trust (PL-SUB-2022-000077) on 3.856 ac, into 2 lots, sizes 2.210 ac & 1.646 ac, at Puukapu & Waikoloa, TMK: 6-7-002:067.
Maps/documents are on file & open for inspection during office hours 7:45am-4:30pm at the HI County Planning Dept, 101 Pauahi St, Ste 3, Hilo or 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy, Bldg E, 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona.