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Home Local News Department of Water Supply Announces Winners of 3rd Annual Keiki Water Conservation Poster Contest

Department of Water Supply Announces Winners of 3rd Annual Keiki Water Conservation Poster Contest

by Thunda

The Department of Water Supply (DWS), County of Hawai‘i, has selected the top artworks from the nearly 150 posters Hawai‘i Island school children entered in the Department’s 3rd Annual Keiki Water Conservation Poster Contest.

Public and private school students attending kindergarten through fifth grade were invited to compete in the free contest promoting the theme “Do Your Part, Be Water Smart.” Three DWS judges evaluated the posters based on originality, visual artistry, and depiction of the contest theme.

The DWS thanks all the students and their teachers for showcasing the importance of conserving our island’s finite supply of safe drinking water. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the typical in-person award ceremony will not occur this year. Instead, recognitions were mailed to the winners and runners-up. The top posters and other entries can be viewed under the “Community” tab on the Department’s website,

Congratulations to the following young artists for their outstanding entries:

1st Place: Emma Raras                                                         2nd Place: Kili‘ohu Kelau
School: Kea‘au Elementary                                                     School: Kua O Ka Lā New Century Public Charter School
Teacher: Rachele Laminman                                                 Teacher: Robbie McGrath

First Grade:
1st Place: Tylee Rapozo                                                       2nd Place: No entries received
School: Waikoloa Elementary and Middle School
Teacher: Jacqueline Barsetti

Second Grade:
1st Place: Meili O’Loughlin                                                  2nd Place: Makana Kauhi
School: Waikoloa Elementary and Middle School            School: Chiefess Kapi‘olani Elementary
Teacher: Georgianne Lawson                                              Teacher: Sherrilyn Sampaia

Third Grade:
1st Place: Nevaeh Kaipo                                                      2nd Place: Lindsey Gomez
School: Kaūmana Elementary                                             School: Waiākea Elementary
Teacher: Reyn Ojiri                                                                Teacher: Paige Nakano

Fourth Grade:
1st Place: Reese Makaimoku                                             2nd Place: Callesta Ryan
School: Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i                            School: Kanu o ka ‘Ǡina New Century Public Charter School
Teacher: Malia Andrus                                                         Teacher: Pua Mendonca

Fifth Grade:
1st Place: Basil Au                                                               2nd Place: Fresalie Ramos
School: St. Joseph Elementary                                          School: Kea‘au Elementary
Teacher: Rena Arima                                                           Teacher: Windy Berrigan-Sanchez

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