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Home Community Notices Department of Water Supply Needs for Professional Services 2022-2023

Department of Water Supply Needs for Professional Services 2022-2023

by Thunda


This notice serves as a supplement to The Department of Water Supply of the County of Hawai’i’s Notice to Providers of Professional Services dated June 1, 2022.

The Department of Water Supply of the County of Hawai‘i anticipates the need for professional services in the following categories for the fiscal year 2022-2023 :

1. Accounting
a. Accounting (General)
b. Underwriter
c. Water Rate Studies

2. Archaeology

3. Architecture

4. Attorney
a. General Attorney Services
b. Bond Counsel
c. Water Law

5. Auditing

6. Chemistry (Potable Water Quality Testing)

7. Civil Engineering
a. Civil Engineering (General)
b. Geotechnical Engineering
c. Water Resource Engineering
d. Hydraulic Engineering
e. Construction Management/Inspection
f. Water Loss Management

8. Community Planning (EA/EIS)

9. Computer Science
a. Software
b. Hardware
c. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
d. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
e. Networking

10. Electrical Engineering
a. Electrical Engineering (General)
b. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
c. Arc Flash Hazard Analysis

11. General Education and Training
a. Safety
b. Public Relations
c. Human Resources

12. Geology

13. Hydrology

14. Industrial Hygiene (Industrial Hygienists)

15. Land Surveying

16. Landscape Architecture

17. Mechanical Engineering
a. Mechanical Engineering (General)
b. Energy Specialists

18. Microbiology (Potable Water Quality Testing)

19. Real Property Appraisal

20. Safety Engineering
a. Safety Trainers
b. Safety Inspections

21. Structural Engineering
a. Structural Engineering (General)
b. Construction Management/Inspection

Those persons or firms interested and capable of providing the professional services required shall submit a letter of interest, together with a resume, to the Manager-Chief Engineer, Department of Water Supply, County of Hawai’i, solely by email at Please do not send hard copies.

Should your submittal be larger than 20MB, please send your submittal to the Department of Water Supply, Office of the Manager Chief-Engineer, 345 Kekuanao’a Street, Suite 20, Hilo, HI, 96720 in pdf format using a USB flash drive.

Resumes and letters of interest that have already been received by mail do not need to be resent. The resume should include a description of the person or firm and statements of the qualifications and related experiences of the principals and staff members with supporting data as it relates to work performed in the drinking water industry, including, but not limited to, the following information:

1. The name of the firm or person, the principal place of business, and the location of all its offices;

2. The age of the firm and its average number of employees over the past five years;

3. The education, training, and other qualifications of key members of the firm;

4. The names and phone numbers of up to five clients who may be contacted, including at least two for whom services were rendered during the preceding year; and

5. Any promotional or descriptive literature that the firm desired to submit.

The letter of interest and resume shall be submitted and received by the Office of the Manager-Chief Engineer. Responses will be continuously accepted through June 30, 2023. The letter of interest should list the disciplines from the original solicitation for which interest is being expressed. The responses will be placed on file and considered for selection, as needs arise, in accordance with the State Procurement Code.

Keith K. Okamoto, P.E., Manager-Chief Engineer
Department of Water Supply, County of Hawai’i

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