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Home Hawai'i Statewide News DOH Expands Monkeypox Vaccination Eligibility, Reports Four Additional Cases

DOH Expands Monkeypox Vaccination Eligibility, Reports Four Additional Cases

by Thunda

The Hawaiʻi Department of Health (DOH) is reporting four additional monkeypox cases in Hawaiʻi and expanding JYNNEOS vaccination eligibility for prevention of monkeypox.

“As more vaccine doses become available, we are expanding vaccine eligibility to communities that have been disproportionately impacted by this outbreak and individuals who are at risk for severe illness,” said Deputy State Epidemiologist Dr. Nathan Tan. “While the risk to most Hawaiʻi residents remains low, we encourage all eligible individuals to get vaccinated to prevent further transmission and protect our community.”

Cases in Hawaii

DOH has identified four additional case of monkeypox:

  • An Oʻahu resident whose case is related to travel outside Hawaii
  • An Oʻahu resident whose case is related to previously reported cases
  • An Oʻahu resident whose case is still being investigated
  • A non-resident who was diagnosed on Kauaʻi and whose case is related to travel outside Hawaiʻi

This brings the total number of cases reported in Hawaiʻi since June 3 to 16. DOH continues to conduct contact tracing and follow-up with all reported cases.


The JYNNEOS vaccine is available statewide to Hawaiʻi residents 18 and older. The expanded vaccination eligibility includes:

  • Close contact in the last 14 days with a person with known or suspected monkeypox infection;
  • Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men and transgender individuals who have multiple or anonymous sex partners;
  • Persons with severe immune compromise (e.g., advanced or poorly controlled HIV infection, active cancer treatment, high-dose steroids) or certain skin conditions, such as eczema; AND who have a household member or sex partner at high risk for monkeypox.

DOH and healthcare providers in each county who directly reach individuals at higher risk of monkeypox exposure continue to vaccinate eligible individuals. Individuals eligible for vaccination can make an appointment by contacting:

Provider/OrganizationArea Served
Hawaiʻi Department of Health Phone: (808) 586-4462 Online: Kauaʻi residents can also call (808) 241-3495Statewide
Malama I Ke Ola Phone: (808) 871-7772Maui
Waianae Cost Comprehensive Health Center Phone: (808) 427-0442O‘ahu (sites in Waianae and Kapolei)
Hawaiʻi Health & Harm Reduction Center Phone: (808) 521-2437O‘ahu (site in Honolulu)  

In order to accommodate the expanded eligibility criteria, DOH is offering vaccination on Oʻahu on Saturday, August 20 and Sunday, August 21 from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM at the Blaisdell Center. Vaccination will be by appointment only—appointments can be scheduled online at or by phone at (808) 586-4462.

DOH has received approximately 2,800 doses of JYNNEOS and continues to order Hawaiʻi’s full allocation from the federal government. More than 1,000 doses have been administered.

JYNNEOS is a two-dose series administered approximately four weeks apart. The vaccine may be administered between layers of the skin, similar to a TB skin test, or under the skin. Both routes of administration provide the same, high level of protection.


Monkeypox is mainly spread through close, intimate contact with body fluids, lesion material, or items used by someone with monkeypox. Monkeypox may be spread through large respiratory droplets. These droplets generally cannot travel more than a few feet, so prolonged contact is required.

Nationwide, the current cases are primarily spreading among social networks of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. In Hawaiʻi, at least some of the cases have been reported among gay or bisexual men. However, anyone who has close contact with someone with monkeypox is at risk of infection, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Testing & Treatment

Individuals with monkeypox symptoms, including flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes, or new or unexplained rash or sores, should immediately contact their healthcare provider. Testing and treatment are available through healthcare providers.

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