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Home Hawai'i Statewide News Hawai‘i Attorney General Joins the Fight Against Youth Suicide

Hawai‘i Attorney General Joins the Fight Against Youth Suicide

by Thunda

Hawai‘i Attorney General Holly T. Shikada announced that she has joined 37 Attorneys General across the nation as an Ambassador for The Jason Foundation, Inc (JFI), which works to address the public health issue of youth and young adult suicide.

In Hawai‘i, suicide ranks as the 2nd leading cause of death for young people ages 12-18, which represents most middle and high school-age youth. It also ranks as the 2nd leading cause for the age grouping of 10-24 in Hawai‘i.

“Youth suicide is a silent, yet preventable epidemic that needs to be addressed with meaningful resources,” Attorney General Shikada said. “The Jason Foundation provides such resources, and I am proud to join their effort to help the children of Hawai‘i realize their future.”

The Jason Foundation, Inc. (JFI) is recognized as a national leader in youth/young adult suicide awareness and prevention with over 161 affiliate offices located in 38 states which provides services for all 50 states. “We are elated that General Shikada has agreed to join our Ambassadors across the country who are helping prevent this tragedy,” said Clark
Flatt, President of JFI. “Her desire and willingness to make a difference will have an enormous impact on our mission to save lives.”

Attorney General Shikada and The Jason Foundation will be working together in collaboration with state agencies and other non-profits in the coming months to bring additional resources to Hawaii’s youth and families. To find out more about The Jason Foundation and their programs, visit

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