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Home Local News Hawaii County Building Permit Expiration and Transfer Policy. Is Yours Still Valid?

Hawaii County Building Permit Expiration and Transfer Policy. Is Yours Still Valid?

by Thunda

The County presently has in its Building permit system more than 40,000 issued Building permits that have expired.

Per Hawaii County Code, Chapter 5 – Construction Administrative Code, Section 5-5-4, all permits shall expire and become null and void:

  1. For permits issued to contractors – three years after date of issuance;
  2. For permits issued to owner-builders – five years after date of issuance;
  3. 180 consecutive days after the date of issuance, if the work authorized by the permit is not commenced by such date; or,
  4. If the work authorized by a permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 consecutive days or more at any time after the date of issuance.

Chapter 5, Section 5-5-5, allows for the issuance of permit extensions not to exceed 180 days if the written request describes in detail the causes of the delay, the effect on the performance of work, the time during which work was actually suspended, and the portion(s) of the project affected.

In consideration of the current state of expired permits in the County, coupled with the roll-out of EPIC, the following policy has been put into effect by the Department of Public Works, effective September 7, 2021:

  1. Current permits that are valid and have not yet expired may continue, transfer, or request an extension prior to the expiration date pursuant to Hawaii County Code.
  2. Permits that have already expired as of September 7, 2021, will be granted an automatic 180-day extension until March 7, 2022, to allow completion of projects.
  3. Any further extensions for unexpired permit must be requested from the Department pursuant to the Hawaii County Code, Chapter 5, Section 5-5-5
  4. All holders of permits that expire will be required to re-apply for a new permit, in EPIC, to complete any balance of work
    1. Work not yet inspected should be included in the application
    2. Work that has been inspected and approved will be honored under the code it was permitted

Transfer of an active permit (not expired) will be accepted via EPIC, please contact the Building Division Clerks at 961-8331 (Hilo) or 323-4720 (Kona) with the permit information so they can initiate the transfer process. A Transfer form will be required to be completed and uploaded to the permit case on EPIC by the applicant once initiated by the Building Division Clerk. An invoice will be sent for the transfer fee and must be paid online prior to the change of contacts and placard issued

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