Trace contamination detected at residences in Iroquois Point & McGrew Point

Dropper and Test Tubes
The Hawaiʻi Department of Health (DOH) released 27 new laboratory reports related to the Navy water system incident.
Five of the 27 results, located in the Iroquois Point and McGrew Point communities, detected trace levels of petroleum product well below the DOH Environmental Action Level. All five samples tested positive for oil range organics below the drinking water threshold.
Samples collected from twenty-two locations did not detect petroleum products. These results include samples collected from Iroquois Point Elementary School, the Navy’s Aiea Halawa Shaft, the Navy’s Halawa Storage tank and private residences. Out of an abundance of caution, testing was performed at Halawa Correctional Facility, and no petroleum was detected.
Click here to view the laboratory reports. Samples were collected between December 7 and December 9.
The samples for all 27 reports were collected by DOH and analyzed by Eurofins Scientific in California. DOH received the detailed lab reports last night. The reports were immediately analyzed by DOH staff.
Sampling only captures contaminant levels at a point in time and these results will not change DOH’s do-not-consume recommendation.
DOH recommends Navy water system users should avoid using the water for drinking, cooking or oral hygiene. This includes consumption by pets. Navy water system users who detect a fuel-like odor from their water should avoid using the water for drinking, cooking, bathing, dishwashing, laundry or oral hygiene. This recommendation applies to users of the Navy’s Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH) water system.
DOH updates are posted at
A map illustrating the distribution of complaints received by DOH related to the Navy water system incident, last updated on December 14.