December 31, 2024 | Hilo, Hawaii
The Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH), Environmental Management Division, has announced a tentative determination to approve the construction of 29 rainfall runoff drainage injection wells along Kawili Street in Hilo. The proposal is part of a project by the County of Hawaii Department of Public Works to improve roadway shoulders and sidewalks.
The application, designated 2024-SDW-UIC-011, falls under the Safe Drinking Water Act, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) Chapter 340E, and Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) Title 11, Chapter 23. The wells are designed to manage rainfall runoff in an area classified as an underground source of drinking water.
Project Details
- Applicant: County of Hawaii Department of Public Works
- Location: Kawili Street, Hilo, Hawaii
- Latitude/Longitude: 19° 42′ 14.3″ N, 155° 04′ 19.9″ W
- Scope: Construction of 29 drainage injection wells with a maximum diameter of 6 feet and depth of 25 feet.
- Purpose: To handle intermittent and variable flows of rainfall runoff, with a peak capacity of 27,410 gallons per minute across the entire system.
- Source of Fluids: Rainfall runoff water
The wells will be situated along East Kawili Street and Manono Street as part of broader infrastructure improvements aimed at enhancing drainage and reducing flooding risks.
Public Participation
The DOH invites public comments on the proposed determination to issue an approval-to-construct. Written comments or requests for a public hearing must be submitted by January 27, 2025, to:
Safe Drinking Water Branch
State of Hawaii Department of Health
Environmental Management Division
Uluakupu Building 4
2385 Waimano Home Road, Suite 110
Pearl City, Hawaii 96782-1400
Phone: (808) 586-4258
Requests for a public hearing must specify the issues to be addressed. If sufficient public interest is demonstrated, the DOH will schedule a hearing and provide at least 30 days’ notice.
Decision Process
The final decision to approve or deny the application will be made after considering all comments. If approved, the applicant may proceed with construction, followed by testing and eventual operation of the wells, subject to compliance with permit conditions and legal requirements.
Documents related to the application are available for public review at the DOH office in Pearl City, Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., excluding holidays. For electronic copies, contact the Safe Drinking Water Branch at SDWB@doh.hawaii.gov.
The DOH encourages all interested parties to share this notice with others who may be affected or have an interest in the matter.