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Home Local News Hawaii Police Encourage Reporting of Illegal Aerial Fireworks

Hawaii Police Encourage Reporting of Illegal Aerial Fireworks

by Thunda

Hawaiʻi Island police, concerned about illegal aerial fireworks, are asking for the public’s assistance in reporting information about the location of these dangerous and illegal pyrotechnic devices, as well as the identity of people in possession of them.

It is unlawful for any person without a valid permit to set off aerial fireworks. People who violate this law could be found guilty of a misdemeanor or Class C felony.

The parents, guardian, and other persons having the custody or control of any minor, who knowingly permit the minor to possess, purchase, or set off, ignite, or otherwise cause to explode any fireworks or articles pyrotechnic, shall be deemed to be in violation of this chapter and shall be subject to the penalties thereunder, except that the parents or guardian may allow the minor to use consumer fireworks while under the immediate supervision and control of the parent or guardian, or under the supervision and control of another adult.

Hawai‘i Island residents who obtain a pyrotechnic permit may only set off fireworks on July 4th between the hours of 1:00 p.m.  to 9:00 p.m. Even with a fireworks permit, it is against the law to set off fireworks at any other time during this holiday season.

Please remember that anyone igniting aerial pyrotechnic displays risk not only their life but also the lives of loved ones nearby and potentially neighbors as well.

Anyone having information about the location of illegal fireworks is asked to call the police department’s non-emergency line at (808) 935-3311 or 911 if it is an emergency situation.

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