The County of Hawaiʻi Department of Parks and Recreation is announcing a one-year pilot to implement a non-resident parking fee at Kahaluʻu Beach Park, effective December 1, 2022.
This pilot project, managed in conjunction with the non-profit The Kohala Center (TKC), will seek to address several of the top priorities as articulated in the HTA Hawaiʻi Island Destination Management Action Plan (DMAP) and Hawaiʻi Island’s 2020-2025 Tourism Strategic Plan (TSP) by supporting the maintenance, enhancement, and protection of Kahaluʻu Bay’s natural resources, ‘āina-based education, and community-driven stewardship. Through an agreement with the County, TKC and a team of dedicated community volunteers and employees have been working to preserve and protect the resources at Kahalu’u Beach Park since 2006.
When the parking system is activated on December 1, 2022, all out-of-state visitors will pay a parking fee in 4-hour intervals from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. Hawai’i residents and disabled individuals will register with the attendant on duty for a free parking pass. All net income from the project will be used solely for the benefit of the public to support ongoing protection, stewardship, and restoration of the natural and cultural resources held at Kahalu’u Beach Park.
For more information, please call Parks & Recreation Administration office at 808-961-8311.