Big Island Thieves

Laupāhoehoe Hurricane Lane Damage Repairs

The County of Hawaiʻi Department of Public Works announces Hurricane Lane Damage Repair work will commence Monday, June 8, from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm, excluding holidays and weekends, on the mauka side of Hawaii Belt Rd at the intersections of both Manowaiopae and Kuwaikahi Streams on Old Mamalahoa Highway. Construction should be completed by August 23, weather and conditions permitting.

The work includes clearing brush, rocks, and debris; roadway and shoulder repairs; drainage channel and culvert repairs; placement of fill material; rock wall reconstruction; installation and maintenance of erosion control devices; and other related improvements.

One-way lane closures and delays can be expected between 7:00 am to 3:30 pm. Motorists are advised to plan accordingly and to drive with caution. Both lanes will be open at 3:30 pm.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding.

If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Kaleo Salvador, Jas W. Glover, Ltd. at (808) 935-0871 or (808) 379-5583; or DPW Information and Education Specialist, Sherise Kana’e-Kāne at (808)961-8499.

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