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Home Hawai'i Statewide News Live Mongoose Captured on Kaua`i

Live Mongoose Captured on Kaua`i

by Thunda

A live mongoose was caught on Kaua`i this morning at Nawiliwili Harbor. Mongooses are not established on Kaua`i and efforts are ongoing to prevent it from becoming established on the island.

Yesterday morning, the Hawai`i Department of Transportation – Harbors Division, reported the sighting of a mongoose at the harbor to the Hawai`i Department of Agriculture (HDOA). HDOA staff teamed with the Hawai`i Department of Health – Vector Control Branch and set 15 traps at the harbor yesterday. A mongoose was found in one of the traps this morning and is currently being safeguarded by HDOA on Kaua`i. The traps will remain in the area and monitored until further notice.

There have been previous sightings of mongooses on Kaua`i and in 2016, a mongoose was trapped in the cargo area at Lihue Airport. In 2012, two mongooses were trapped in separate incidences – one at Nawiliwili Harbor and another near a resort in Lihue.

Mongooses are established on O`ahu, Maui, Moloka`i and Hawai`i Island and are a threat to native ground-nesting birds.


Any suspected invasive species should be reported to the state’s toll-free PEST HOTLINE at
(808) 643-PEST (7378).

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