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Home Local News MADD Honors Five Personnel for Efforts Reducing Impaired Driving

MADD Honors Five Personnel for Efforts Reducing Impaired Driving

by Thunda

Five members of Hawai‘i Police Department (HPD) were honored this week by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Hawai‘i and the Hawai‘i Department of Transportation for their efforts and dedication in the fight against drunk and drugged driving to reduce injuries and deaths on our island roadways.    

Three personnel were honored at a luncheon in Hilo on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, with two officers honored at a luncheon in Kona on Wednesday, June 19. Those recognized include HPD’s Traffic Services Manager Torey Keltner, Officer Jason Miyashiro, Officer Lawrence Kobayashi, Officer John Harvey, and Officer Adam Roberg.

Since joining Hawai‘i Police Department nine years ago, Keltner has played a significant role in managing grants to conduct impaired driving enforcement operations for the department, securing $485,948 in grant funding during 2023. He is persistent in locating and coordinating nationally-recognized training for personnel to ensure they have the skills and abilities to be able to successfully prosecute impaired drivers.

A six-year veteran of the department, Officer Miyashiro was honored for his work as a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) and DRE trainer, responsible for training future DRE officers. Assigned to the Puna district, Officer Miyashiro has conducted 34 DRE evaluations during his career. He was previously recognized by MADD in 2019.

Officer Kobayashi has worked in the South Hilo district for most of his 23-year-career with HPD and is known for his dedicated traffic and impaired driver enforcement. Last year he issued 746 traffic citations, completed 46 Operating a Vehicle Under the Influence of an Intoxicant (OVUII) arrests and investigations, as well as generating 1,068 additional investigations. Kobayashi was previously honored by MADD in 2018 and 2019.

In the four short years Officer Harvey has been with HPD, he has made it his mission to enforce traffic laws, arrest impaired drivers, and make our island roads safer. Assigned to Kona Patrol, during the past year Officer Harvey issued 2,081 traffic citations, arrested 24 impaired drivers, and conducted 9 DRE evaluations. A Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) for approximately one year, Officer Harvey was selected to become a DRE instructor.

Assigned to the Area II (West Hawai‘i) Traffic Enforcement Unit, Officer Roberg was recognized for both his enforcement actions, as well as his commitment to educating his colleagues about the signs of impaired driving through his role as a DRE instructor. During his 14-year career with HPD, Officer Roberg has conducted 78 DRE evaluations. He was honored by MADD in 2016 and 2018 for his unwavering commitment to create safer roadways on Hawai‘i Island.

“The work that traffic enforcement officers do in the field, pulling over suspected impaired drivers, preventing them from driving on our roads, helps saves lives,” says Police Chief Benjamin Moszkowicz. During his tenure with Honolulu Police Department, Moszkowicz served as Major of the Traffic Division, receiving a lifetime achievement award from MADD in 2019.

“We honor those who are doing exemplary the work in the field, as well as their families who support them,” added Chief Moszkowicz, noting that traffic enforcement efforts and drug evaluations often occur in the field at non-traditional times, which can impact the families of officers.

Before announcing this year’s MADD honorees at each event, Kurt Kendro, a MADD volunteer who is also a retired Major with Honolulu Police Department, described losing two fellow officers to impaired drivers. “Doing what you do, putting these programs together and working to eliminate impaired drivers on our streets makes a difference on our roads,” said Kendro. “We appreciate all the hard work you do.”

(Hilo): Major Scott Amaral, MADD volunteer Kurt Kendro, Chief Benjamin Moszkowicz, Officer Jason Miyashiro, Torey Keltner, Officer Lawrence Kobayashi, Deputy Chief Reed Mahuna, Major Jeremie Evangelista, MADD Coordinator Kim Isaak.

(Kona): Deputy Chief Reed Mahuna, Officer John Harvey, Officer Adam Roberg, Chief Benjamin Moszkowicz.

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