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Home Hawai'i Statewide News Meeting for Proposed Amendments to Existing Rules of the Benefit, Employment, and Support Services Division

Meeting for Proposed Amendments to Existing Rules of the Benefit, Employment, and Support Services Division

by Thunda


Pursuant to Sections 91-3 and 92-41, Hawaii Revised Statutes, notice is hereby given that the Department of Human Services will hold a public hearing to consider the proposed amendments to existing rules of the Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division for the purpose of conforming to federal and state statutes. A brief description of the proposed changes is listed below:


This Chapter is being amended and compiled as follows.

Subchapter 4, Assets To Be Exempted. The table of contents will be amended to reflect the amendment to the title of section 17-675-26.

Section 17-675-26, Assets to be exempted in the financial assistance, medical assistance only, and food stamp programs. This section is amended to exempt tax credits or refunds issued on or after June 1, 2022, received pursuant to article VII, section 6 of the Hawaii State Constitution for recipients of the General Assistance (GA) and Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled (AABD) programs.

Chapter 17-675, Hawaii Administrative Rules is compiled.

A public hearing will be held at the following date, time and place:

Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 10:00 a.m., Kamamalu Building, Conference Room 503, 1010 Richards Street, Suite 512, Honolulu, Hawaii.

All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing to state their views relative to the proposed rules either orally or in writing. Should written testimony be presented, a copy shall be made available to the presiding officer at the public hearing or within seven (7) days before the hearing to:

Department of Human Services
Benefit, Employment & Support Services Division
1010 Richards Street, Suite 512
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Residents of Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, and Molokai wishing to present oral testimonies may also contact the Benefit, Employment and Support Services Section Administration office on the respective islands within seven (7) days before the Honolulu hearing date to have their testimony recorded:

East Hawaii Section Administrator
1900 Kinoole Street, Suite 111
Hilo, Hawaii (808-981-7288)

West Hawaii Section Administrator
75-5722 Hanama Place, Room 1105
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii (808-327-4765)

Kauai Section Administrator
3059 Umi Street, Bsmt 20
Lihue, Hawaii (808-241-3663);

Maui Section Administrator
1955 Main Street, Suite #325
Wailuku, Hawaii (808-243-5877);

Molokai- Lanai Processing Center
Kaunakakai Civic Center, Phase 2
55 Makaena Place, Room 1
Kaunakakai, Hawaii (808-553-1715)

A copy of the proposed rules will be mailed at NO COST to any interested person requesting a copy by writing to:

Department of Human Services
Benefit, Employment & Support Services Division
1010 Richards Street, Suite 512
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

or by calling (808) 586-5725.

Proposed rules are available on the internet at

Special accommodations (i.e., Sign language interpreter, large print, taped materials, or accessible parking) can be made, if requested at least five (5) business days before the scheduled public hearing on Oahu by calling (808) 586-5725. Neighbor island residents needing special accommodations should contact the Benefit, Employment and Support Services Section Administration office on the respective islands with their requests.

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