Hele-On will not operate any bus and paratransit services on Sunday, January 22, 2023, due to providing Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) training for all County of Hawaiʻi Mass Transit Agency employees and its contractors. This training will ensure compliance with the ADA and the requirements set forth by the US. Department of Justice. This training will occur every year for the next three years.
Alternative transportation will be available via the use of taxis, Lyft, or Uber. Therefore, the Mass Transit Agency urges its riders to plan for alternative transportation on Sunday, January 22, 2023.
You can visit www.heleonbus.org to see a list of available taxicab operators in Hawai’i County.
Regular bus service will resume at 3:15 a.m. on Monday, January 23, 2023.
For more information about Hele-On, please call (808) 961-8744, TDD: 711 through the relay service, email heleonbus@hawaiicounty.gov, visit www.heleonbus.org or find Hele-On Bus on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube.