Planning Dept. Applications Accepted Nov. 2022
In accordance with Section 25-2-3(g) Division 1, Article 2 of Chapter 25 (Zoning) of the Hawai’i County Code, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following applications have been submitted.
1. *Douglas Kerr/Douglas Kerr & Barbara Gleason (PL-SMA-2022-023) Construction of a Single-Family Dwelling & Related Development on 0.49 acs. at 15-853 Paradise Ala Kai Dr., Puna, TMK: 1-5-058:053.
2. *Jean Sunderland/Ahu Pohaku Ho’omaluhia, LLC (PL-SMA-2022-018) Amendment to SMA Permit No. 417 to Increase the No. of Guest Rooms from 16 to 36 by Constructing 20 Add’l. Rooms at Hawai’i Island Retreat on 5 acs. at 54-250 Lokahi Rd., N. Kohala, TMK: 5-4-009:014 (por.).
3. *Jean Sunderland/Ahu Pohaku Ho’omaluhia, LLC (PL-SPP-2022-018) Amendment to SPP Permit No. 1117 to Increase the No. of Guest Rooms from 16 to 36 by Constructing 20 Add’l. Rooms at Hawai’i Island Retreat on 5 acs. at 54-250 Lokahi Rd., N. Kohala, TMK: 5-4-009:014 (por.).
4. *Planning Director Initiated/Kealakekua Mtn. Reserve LLC, Kona Hills LLC, Kealakekua Ranch Ltd., HCC Farms LLC, & Kealakekua Heritage Ranch LLC (PL-PDI-2022-004) To Repeal Ordinance No. 98-63 to Revert the Current Zoning from A-1a, A-3a, A-200a, A-255a & A-8000a to the Original Agricultural-20 Acs. (A-20a) Zoning on 11,185.708 acs. at 82-1239, 82-1240, & 82-1230 Greenwell Mtn. Rd., S. Kona, TMK: 8-2-012:001, 012, 013, 014 (por.), 015, and 8-2-001:101.
5. *HI Island Humane Society/HI Island Humane Society SPCA (PL-SPP-2022-020) To Amend Special Permit No. 11-120 to Include Events, a Café, a Dog Play Yard, & a Time Ext. to Complete Condition Nos. 3 & 6 on 11.992 acs. at 78-6767 Mamalahoa Hwy., N. Kona, TMK: 7-8-006:065.
1. *Paradis Reed/420 Ainalako Land Trust (PL-PLA-2022-122), Senior Independent Living Facility on 1.1430acs., at 420 Ainalako Rd., S. Hilo, TMK: 2-4-078:008.
2. *Hayley Peed, Kimley-Horn & Assoc./Target Corp., Matthew Flansburg (PL-PLA-2022-158), Canopy and Modify Drive-Up Parking Stalls on 11.0200 acs., at 74-5455 Makala Blvd., N. Kona, TMK: 7-4.025:014
3. *DG Kame’ehonua, State of Hawai’i DOT, Airport Div., (PL-PLA-2022-161) Temp. Office, on .5973 acs., at 73-200 Kupipi St., N. Kona, TMK: 7-3-043-003.
4. *Alexa Boyer, Merle M. Kost, Deborah R. Kost, (PL-PLA-2022-162), Multiple B&B’s, on .3506 acs., at 76-6175 Ali’i Dr., N. Kona, TMK: 7-6-017:049.
5. *Kim Prewitt, HMC Architects/HI Health Systems Corp. (PL-PLA-2022-164), Pharmacy Expansion, on 12.0750 acs., at 79-1019 Haukapila St., N. Kona, TMK: 7-9-010:081.
6. *COH-DEM/State-DLNR (PL-PLA-2022-165), Abandoned Vehicle Facility, on 13.8600 acs., at 1651 Ho’olaulima Rd., S. Hilo, TMK: 2-1-013:167.
1. *Jieyu Shepard/Jieyu Z. Shepard (PL-SAA-2022-129) Construct Single-Family Dwelling on 21,377 sf. at 239 Nene St., S. Hilo, TMK: 2-1-018:018.
2. *Klekala, LLC/Klekala, LLC (PL-SAA-2022-130) Accessory/Incidental Structures & Uses to Existing Single-Family Dwelling on 15,501 sf. at 69-1778 Puako Beach Dr., S. Kohala, TMK: 6-9-004:002.
3. *Lloyd & Julie Talbert/Lloyd W. & Julie A. Talbert Trust (PL-SAA-2022-131) Repair Existing Seawall & “As-Built” Storage Area on 17,636 sf. at 75-6160 Ali’i Dr., N. Kona, TMK: 7-5-020:005.
4. *Kaz Iwashita/Alakahi, LLC (PL-SAA-2022-132) Install Chain Link Fence on 3.775 acs. at 27-604 Alakahi Pl., S. Hilo, TMK: 2-7-009:056.
5. *Trivandrum Sundaresan/Trivandrum & Tejovathi Sundaresan Trust (PL-SAA-2022-133) Construct Single-Family Dwelling on 21,344 sf. at Paradise Ala Kai Dr., Puna, TMK: 1-5-059:061.
6. *Craig Borsari/Borsari Family Trust (PL-SAA-2022-134) Interior Renovations to Existing Single-Family Dwelling on 15,064 sf. at 69-1964 Puako Beach Dr., S. Kohala, TMK: 6-9-006:005.
7. *Roy L. Wickland/Roy L. Wickland Family Trust (PL-SAA-2022-135) “As-Built” Improvements to Existing Single-Family Dwelling on 14,000 sf. at 69-1936 Puako Beach Dr., S. Kohala, TMK: 6-9-006:012.
8. *Bank of Hawai’i, TTEE/Tessa G. & Robert P. Dye FBO Trusts (PL-SAA-2022-136) Install PV System for Bay Bldg. at Royal Kona Resort on 16,788 sf., Keahou Beach Rd., N. Kona, TMK:7-5-009:013.
9. *Kerie Dinehart/Timothy A. Dinehart & Kerie E. Dinehart (PL-SAA-2022-137) Construct Single-Family Dwelling on 17,221 sf. at 77-222 Ke Alohi Pl., N. Kona, TMK: 7-7-024:002.
Maps/documents are on file & open for inspection during office hours 7:45am-4:30pm at the HI County Planning Dept, 101 Pauahi St, Ste 3, Hilo, or 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy, Bldg E, 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona.