The County of Hawaiʻi Department of Environmental Management has contracted with Sea Engineering to inspect the outfall and transmission pipe of the Hilo Wastewater Treatment Plant on Thursday, July 11. The scheduled test will take one day and will use a biodegradable and nontoxic dye approved by the Department of Health and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Sea Engineering will inspect the structural integrity, operational status, and maintenance needs of the reinforced concrete pipe that discharges secondary disinfected treated effluent 4,400 feet from the shoreline at Puhi Bay. The inspection, which will involve scuba diving to the outfall on the sea floor, is dependent on ideal ocean conditions and is required by Department of Health permit. Given the information we have, DEM anticipates no impact to shoreline recreation.
As part of the Department’s priority projects and commitment to the protection of our natural resources and shoreline, the rehabilitation and replacement of the Hilo Wastewater Treatment Plant has been put out to bid. The County has also entered a federal administrative order to improve its facilities in East Hawai‘i, including at Hilo WWTP. It is vital that we address the communities’ needs and continuing concerns by administering this inspection. DEM appreciates the community’s patience and welcomes continuous feedback on issues of concern as the County strives to be good stewards of our natural resources