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Home Local News Public hearings scheduled for input on the Agricultural water use and Development Plan

Public hearings scheduled for input on the Agricultural water use and Development Plan

by Thunda

The Commission on Water Resource Management (CWRM) will be holding public hearings online to solicit input on the update to the statewide Agricultural Water Use and Development Plan (AWUDP). Prepared by the Hawai’i Department of Agriculture, the AWUDP is a long-range management plan that assesses state and private agricultural water use, supply, and irrigation systems. The document can be viewed online at

CWRM staff will be holding two public hearings online at the dates and times listed below:

November 18, 2020 (Wednesday) at 9:00 am

November 19, 2020 (Thursday) at 6:00 pm

Considering the evolving COVID-19 situation, protecting the health and welfare of the community is of utmost concern.  As such, the public hearings will be held remotely, with the Hearing Officer, presenters, and testifiers participating via online meeting venue.  The public hearing will be broadcast via live stream at:

If you wish to provide live oral/video testimony during the online meeting, email CWRM at not later than 48 hours in advance, with your name, phone number, email address, and your computer identification name (check your device settings).  CWRM staff will then provide the meeting link information to you. Testifying at one of the two public hearings listed above will be sufficient to have your comments recognized and recorded.

All interested persons are urged to attend an online hearing and submit comments, orally or in writing.  The CWRM will continue to accept written testimony until December 18, 2020.  Testimony should be mailed to the Commission on Water Resource Management, State Department of Land and Natural Resources, PO Box 621, Honolulu, Hawaii 96809, or emailed to, or faxed to 808-587-0219.

Disabled individuals planning to attend the public hearing are asked to contact the CWRM (at the above address or phone 808-587-0214) at least three days in advance of the public hearing to indicate if they have special needs that require accommodation

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