Permits issued on or before March 27, 2012, will be expired as of June 1, 2022.
• Work that has been inspected and approved will be honored under the code it was permitted
• Work that has not been inspected and approved will need to be included in a new permit
application. In addition, the expired permit number will be required to be referenced in the
description section of the new permit application.
Permits issued on or before March 7, 2017, will be expired as of September 7, 2022
• Additional extensions for these permits will be considered based upon written requests that
shall describe in detail the causes of the delay, the effect on the performance of work, the
the time during which work was actually suspended, and the portion or portions of the project
• Transfer of ownership, contractor, and/or sub-contractor for an existing permit will not
constitute an extension of the permit
• Work that has been inspected and approved will be honored under the code it was permitted
• Work that has not been inspected and approved will need to be included in a new permit
application. In addition, the expired permit number will be required to be referenced in the
description section of the new permit application.
If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Sherise Kanaʻe-Kāne at sherise.kanaekane@
hawaiicounty.gov or call (808) 961-8499.