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Home Local News SAVE THE DATE: The next Revitalize Puna is Saturday, July 8th

SAVE THE DATE: The next Revitalize Puna is Saturday, July 8th

by Thunda

Save the date for Saturday, July 8th! The next Revitalize Puna event will be held at the Billy Kenoi Pāhoa District Park Gym from 10am to 2pm. Come connect with government officials and community leaders working on eruption recovery and resilience projects in Puna. Drop in for a few minutes or stay for the whole event – it’s sure to be a fun, engaging, and informative experience!

County, State, and Federal leaders will be there to update you on ongoing eruption recovery efforts and share their insights on the challenges and opportunities in the Puna region. Plus, the State Department of Land and Natural Resources will give an update on the Pohoiki Boat Ramp restoration progress. Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to stay informed and engaged with the community’s recovery efforts!

Puna community police officers will be conducting Keiki ID services. This is a valuable opportunity for parents and guardians to have their children’s identification cards created and registered with law enforcement. Make sure to spread the word and take advantage of this service!

Get ready for some exciting updates from the Resilience Capacity Areas (RCAs)! These multi-sector groups are the driving force behind Puna’s recovery efforts, and they’re eager to share their progress with you. With a focus on collaboration and innovation, the RCAs are implementing projects outlined in the Kilauea Recovery and Resilience Plan, which supports three key strategies: recovery, readiness, and resilience. Led by community and County co-chairs, the six RCAs cover a range of areas, including Social, Cultural, Economic, Natural Environment, and Youth. You won’t want to miss this chance to learn about their ongoing efforts and how you can get involved!

We are also exited for Resilience Resource Row, which will showcase a variety of pop-up displays from local nonprofit organizations that focus on mental wellness. Our Resource Row is designed to provide volunteer opportunities to those who wish to make a positive impact in the Puna community. If you are interested in participating in Resource Row, you must apply by emailing before June 9th. It’s important to note that participation in Resource Row is subject to approval by our planning team.

To honor the 5th anniversary of the Kilauea eruption, we’ll be placing a special emphasis on mental wellness. The Youth RCA and Resource Row will be providing a range of information and fun activities aimed at promoting mental well-being. The activation is free. All residents interested in learning more about Puna’s recovery and contributing to its resilience are welcome!

The upcoming July 8th event marks the eighth convening of the Revitalize Puna series, which is co-hosted by the Kīlauea Recovery Team and Council District 4. The primary objective of this activation is to promote regular interactions between the community and the County, fostering the sharing of information, perspectives, and building relationships that increase trust and collaboration. By bringing together various stakeholders, this event will help advance the community’s efforts towards recovery and resilience.Let’s stay connected! Get event updates and sneak peaks by following us on Facebook and Instagram @revitalizepuna &

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