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Home Job Opportunities Sheriff Recruitment Opens Statewide Saturday

Sheriff Recruitment Opens Statewide Saturday

by Thunda

The Department of Public Safety (PSD) is looking for a few good men and women to join the State Sheriff Division.

Recruitment will open on the Department of Human Resources and Development (DHRD) website for a two-week period from Saturday, June 12 until Sunday, June 27. PSD is seeking applicants willing to serve on every island.

“This recruitment will help the department fill several positions,” said Sheriff Billy Oku. “We are looking for people who possess traits and characteristics like physical and mental fitness, alertness, tact, integrity, honesty, good judgment, and the ability to deal effectively with the public.”

To qualify, the applicant must be a high school graduate; have the ability to read and comprehend complex written material; write a clear, factual report; and have at least two years of work experience that demonstrates these abilities, among other things.

After the initial recruitment, chosen applicants will be tested on physical fitness and must complete a written test to gauge their reading, writing, and comprehension skills. They will also take a pre-employment law enforcement assessment. After successful completion of the physical ability test, written test, and pre-employment assessment, the applicant may be scheduled for an interview with the department.

Individuals who pass the testing and are selected from the recruitment will participate in a 6-month Law Enforcement Recruit Class, which will consist of classroom and on-the-job training in the laws, rules, regulations, principles, practices, procedures, and techniques of law enforcement; the operation of firearms and other equipment; as well as physical conditioning.

You can find more information on how to become a Deputy Sheriff Click Here!

(NOTE: The official application for recruitment will not open on the Department of Human Resources and Development Jobseekers page until June 12.)

Sheriff video can be found Here!

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