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Home Hawai'i Statewide News Speaker Scott Saiki Appoints Members of House Investigative Committee to Investigate Compliance with Audit nos. 19-12 and 21-01

Speaker Scott Saiki Appoints Members of House Investigative Committee to Investigate Compliance with Audit nos. 19-12 and 21-01

by Thunda

During the 2021 legislative session, the House of Representatives adopted House Resolution 164 that authorized the creation of an investigative committee to follow up on two audits that were completed in 2019 and 2021. The audits focused on the management and operations of the Department of Land and Natural Resources’ Special Land Development Fund (Report No. 19-12) and Agribusiness Development Corporation (Report No. 21-01). Both audits contained findings that were critical of the two agencies.

House Speaker Scott Saiki has appointed the following members to serve on the House Investigative Committee to Investigate Compliance with Audit Nos. 19-12 and 21-01:

· Representative Della Au Belatti, Chair

· Representative Linda Ichiyama, Vice Chair

· Representative Mark J. Hashem

· Representative Dale T. Kobayashi

· Representative Val Okimoto

· Representative Amy A. Perruso

· Representative Kyle T. Yamashita

The Hawaii Revised Statutes authorizes the House to create an investigative committee. An investigative committee holds additional authority, including the use of subpoenas to gather documents and testimony.

Speaker Saiki stated:

“The Investigative Committee will advance the House’s goal of reforming and improving government. The DLNR Land Division and ADC carry out critical programs. We must ensure that they do so in a transparent and above-board manner. The House wants to build public confidence in these two agencies.”

“I look forward to working with this committee to improve the operations and management of these important agencies. The State Auditor’s audits provide recommendations for improvement and we will be interested in understanding how the recommendations have been implemented to improve operations,” said Chair Belatti.

The investigating committee will submit a report of its findings and recommendations, including any proposed legislation, to the House of Representatives prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2022.

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