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Home Local News Warning of Graphic video Circling around Social Media platforms like TikTok, Instagram and snapchat.

Warning of Graphic video Circling around Social Media platforms like TikTok, Instagram and snapchat.

by Thunda

Monitor your kids just a little closer for a while as a viral video of a live suicide is making it rounds on social media. Popular Social Media platforms fight to remove the videos, but are struggling as people have been rumored to replace the start of the video with something innocent then cut to graphic footage.

In the extreamly graphic video being shared. Ronnie McNutt, who worked at a Toyota plant in Blue Springs, New Albany, killed himself in front of his computer on Aug. 31 during a livestream on Facebook.

Photo from start of clip.

In the days since, the horrifying footage has been shared on multiple social media platforms, including TikTok, where it reportedly ended up on the video-sharing app’s “For You” trending homepage. Thats the first page you see for the ones not TikTok savy.

“We are banning accounts that repeatedly try to upload clips, and we appreciate our community members who’ve reported content and warned others against watching, engaging, or sharing such videos on any platform out of respect for the person and their family,” the spokesperson said.

If you are unable to monitor your kids on social media platforms then warn them if they see a pic of a man with a beard and glasses sitting in front of a computer to immediately close or scroll pass it. Some things can not be unseen.

A dark subject to talk about. But always should be. If you or anyone you know is feeling suicidal. Here are some numbers to call.

Need Help Now?
Call 911
Text Telephone:

Military Veterans
Suicide Hotline:
(Press 1)

Suicide Hotline
in Spanish:
(Press 2)

LGBT Youth
Suicide Hotline:

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