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Home Hawai'i Statewide News Wildland fire near Maunawili Ditch Trail on O‘ahu

Wildland fire near Maunawili Ditch Trail on O‘ahu

by Thunda

A wildland fire near Maunawili Ditch Trail on O‘ahu is the focus of a firefighting response from the O‘ahu Branch of the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife DOFAW. As of 2:00 p.m. this fire covered one acre. DOFAW dispatched three fire engines along with a crew of 15 wildland firefighters to control it. While county fire departments respond to fires in residential areas, DOFAW has primary wildfire response. 

September and October are typically the driest months in Hawai’i, as highlighted in the “Wildfire & Drought LOOKOUT!” awareness campaign supported by DLNR, the county fire departments, and other partners. During this time of year residents and visitors are reminded to be particularly mindful about wildfire prevention by: 

  • Clearing vegetation within 10 feet of campfires and barbecues, keeping a shovel and water nearby, and putting fires out cold before walking away 
  • Being sure machinery (chainsaws, weed trimmers) and recreational vehicles have operating spark arrestors and are maintained regularly 
  • Parking cars on areas that are paved or where vegetation is trimmed and cleared 
  • Attending public fireworks displays rather than using fireworks in residential areas.

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