(Honolulu) – In order to ensure timely completion of dredging work and maintenance of the Ala Wai Canal, Hawai‘i Harbors Constructors JV will be updating their work hours, beginning on October 16, 2020. Changing the working hours will allow the project to stay on schedule, as well as enhance productivity of dredging operations. New hours are as follows:
Monday-Friday 7:00am – 10:00pm
Saturday, Sunday, & State Holidays 9:00am – 10:00pm
The $21 million dredging and canal improvement project started October 2019 and not only involves dredging accumulated silt and sediments from the Ala Wai, but also repairing two sections of the canal’s wall.
The dredging depths varies between -12.0’ and -6.0’ mean lower low water, with the estimated total volume of dredging work and material being 186,000 cubic yards. This dredged material is being disposed of at an Environment Protection Agency (EPA) South Oahu Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site.
Hawai‘i Harbors Constructors JV will continue taking decibel measurements during dredging operations to ensure that noise levels are within permitted levels.
The long-term benefits of this project include maintaining the ability of the canal to efficiently convey stormwater flows to the ocean in order to reduce the risk of flooding. It will also improve the aesthetics and use of the canal for recreational users. The work is scheduled to be completed in early 2021.
Project information including plans and tentative schedules can be found on the DLNR Engineering Division website: http://dlnreng.hawaii.gov/projects/ala-wai-canal-dredging/