Prosecutors Indict Hilo Man with Kidnapping, Abuse, and Terroristic Threatening in Domestic Incident at Hilo Mall
by ThundaA Hilo man, 38 year-old Davin Feary, was indicted on charges of kidnapping, abuse, and terroristic threatening offenses. The charges stem from a domestic incident that occurred on December 2, …
HAWAIIAN VOLCANO OBSERVATORY STATUS REPORTU.S. Geological SurveyThursday, December 8, 2022, 4:46 PM HST (Friday, December 9, 2022, 02:46 UTC) MAUNA LOA (VNUM #332020)19°28’30” N 155°36’29” W, Summit Elevation 13681 ft …
Hawai’i police arrested and charged 27-year-old Steven Charles Jackson with fourth-degree sexual assault, as well as multiple burglary and drug offenses for a trio of burglaries that occurred between Saturday …
Less than 24-hours after the current eruption of Mauna Loa began, Steve Bergfeld, the Hawai‘i Island Branch Chief with the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) worried most about …
Three men from Kazakhstan were cited on Wednesday after being observed by three different law enforcement agencies, in the closed area of the Mauna Loa Forest Reserve on Hawai‘i Island. …
HIGH WIND WARNING FOR LEEWARD KOHALAWIND ADVISORY FOR PORTIONS OF BIG ISLAND MAUI LANAI AND KAHOOLAWE. Trade winds will strengthen tonight, and peak Thursday and Friday. Strongest winds will occur …
Puna Man Charged with Burglary, Criminal Property Damage, Theft, and Terroristic Threatening in Domestic Incident
by ThundaA Puna man, 28 year-old Solomon Lord, was charged by Prosecutors via felony information in relation to an October 13, 2022 domestic incident which occurred at a Hawaiian Paradise Park …
The search for Hawaiʻi County’s new police chief was narrowed to five candidates following a Hawaiʻi County Police Commission meeting on November 18. Since then, one has withdrawn. The top …
HAWAIIAN VOLCANO OBSERVATORY STATUS REPORTU.S. Geological SurveyWednesday, December 7, 2022, 4:23 PM HST (Thursday, December 8, 2022, 02:23 UTC) MAUNA LOA (VNUM #332020)19°28’30” N 155°36’29” W, Summit Elevation 13681 ft …
Local News

Did you hear about the elderly man who was mauled by several dogs yesterday,July 27th on 24th Ave in HPP?
There is nothing about it in the news anywhere and people being attacked by dogs is getting worse and worse.
I have second hand information and it is from my husband who was there working on a house on the street when it happened.
Aloha, No we didn’t. There was a recently new Law passed in our county. Did you post about it in our facebook group. Sometimes a little light on subject shines bright.