Pursuant to Section 42F-107, HRS, notification is being made that the following grants had not been released as of June 30, 2022:
Act 39/18, CIP:
Aiea Bridge $300,000
Bishop Museum $100,000
Catholic Charities Housing Development Corporation $125,000
Garden Island Resource Conservation & Development, Inc. $100,000
Hale Mahaolu $750,000
Housing and Land Enterprise of Maui $300,000
Kanu o ka ‘Aina Learning ‘Ohana $100,000
Kauai Economic Opportunity $30,000
Montessori Hale O’Keiki $200,000
The Wisdom Center for Autism $100,000
Pursuant to Section 42F-107, HRS, notification is being made that the following grants had not been released as of September 30, 2022:
Act 248/22, Operating:
Accessurf Hawai`i, Inc. $150,000
Adult Friends for Youth $300,000
After-School All-Stars Hawai`i $302,400
Aloha Medical Mission $150,000
American National Red Cross $150,000
Best Buddies Hawai`i LLC $63,308
Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawai`i, Inc. $150,000
Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui, Inc. $190,000
Boys and Girls Club of Hawai`i $150,000
Domestic Violence Action Center $175,000
Downtown Art Center $151,000
Epilepsy Foundation of Hawai`i, Inc. $47,580
Ethnic Education Hawai`i $120,000
`Ewa Villages Historical Society $75,000
Frank Delima’s Student Enrichment Program, Inc. $57,000
Friends of Hawai`i Technology Academy $300,000
Friends of the Future $120,000
Friends of Waipahu High School $250,000
Going Home Hawai`i $250,000
Guide Dogs of Hawai`i (Adaptive Aids, Canines and
Advocacy for the Blind) $300,000
Habilitat, Inc. $90,000
Hale Kipa, Inc. $300,000
Hawai`i Academy of Science $170,000
Hawai`i Ag and Culinary Alliance $170,000
Hawai`i Agricultural Foundation $350,000
Hawai`i Alliance for Arts Education $80,000
Hawai`i Children’s Action Network $10,000
Hawai`i Construction Career Days $100,000
Hawai`i Culinary Education Foundation $190,000
Hawai`i Executive Collaborative $150,000
Hawai`i Family Law Clinic $135,000
Hawai`i Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Action Group $300,000
Hawai`i Floriculture and Nursery Association (HFNA) $250,000
Hawai`i Health & Harm Reduction Center $98,189
Hawai`i Institute of Pacific Agriculture $170,000
Hawai`i Island Humane Society S.P.C.A. $250,000
Hawai`i Japanese Center $360,000
Hawai`i Korean-U.S. Citizens League $80,000
Hawai`i Literacy, Inc. $160,000
Hawai`i Parkinson Association, Inc. $285,000
Hawai`i Performing Arts Company, Ltd. $100,000
Hawai`i Symphony Orchestra $150,000
Hawai`i Tax Help and Financial Empowerment Solutions $70,000
Hawai`i Youth Services Network $40,000
Hawai`ian Kamali`i, Inc. $50,000
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Hawai`i $350,000
Ho`ola Na Pua $100,000
Ho`omahua Foundation $160,000
Honolulu Theatre for Youth $150,000
IHS, The Institute for Human Services, Inc. $1,600,000
Inspiration Hawai`i Museum, Inc. $100,000
Kalihi Community Center $204,700
Kamawaelualani Corp. $25,000
Kamp Hawai`i, Inc. $100,000
Kaua`i Planning & Action Alliance, Inc. $240,000
Kauai Economic Opportunity, Incorporated $327,000
Kauai Humane Society $223,000
Kinai `Eha $250,000
Komohale Services $300,000
Kona Dance & Performing Arts, Inc. $46,700
Kona Historical Society $250,000
Kosong Foundation, Inc. $48,000
Kualoa-Heeia Ecumenical Youth Project $200,000
Kumano I Ke Ala O Makaweli $200,000
Lana`i Kina`ole, Inc. $300,000
Lanai Academy of Performing Arts, Inc. $20,000
Lanakila Pacific $81,000
Makana O Ke Akua Inc $250,000
Malama Pono Health Services $200,000
Manoa Heritage Center $100,000
Maui Economic Development Board, Inc. $550,000
Maui United Way $86,429
Moiliili Community Center $450,000
Moloka`i Homestead Farmers Alliance $100,000
Molokai Wildlife Management Inc. $200,000
Na Kama Kai $259,000
National Alliance on Mental Illness Hawai`i $75,000
Ohana Pacific Foundation $250,000
`O Maku`U Ke Kahua Community Center $220,000
Pa`a Pono Milolii $130,850
Pacific Survivor Center $60,000
Palama Settlement $290,000
Parents and Children Together $226,539
Partners In Care – Oahu Continuum of Care $50,000
Partners In Development Foundation $300,000
Pohaha I Ka Lani $201,729
Poi Dogs & Popoki (PDP) $75,000
Project Vision Hawai`i $600,000
Protectors of Paradise $90,000
Read to Me International Foundation $220,000
Re-use Hawai`i $75,000
Searider Productions Foundation $300,000
Susannah Wesley Community Center $160,000
The Alcoholic Rehabilitation Services of Hawai`i, Inc. $450,000
The Filipino Community Center, Inc. $250,000
The Hawai`i Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation $30,000
The Legal Clinic $140,000
The Mediation Center of the Pacific, Inc. $150,000
The North Shore Community Land Trust $250,000
The Wahiawa Center for Community Health $400,000
Uhane Pohaku Na Moku O Hawai`i, Inc. $220,000
Ulu A`e Learning Center $149,000
Volcano Art Center $110,000
Wai`anae Community Re-Development Corporation $325,000
Waianae Economic Development Council $315,000
Waikiki Community Center $65,000
Waiohuli Hawai`ian Homesteaders Association, Inc. $170,000
Weed & Seed of Hawai`i, Inc. $300,000
Act 248/22, CIP:
Adult Friends for Youth $750,000
Aloha House, Inc. $218,754
Aloha Ilio Rescue $50,000
Arc of Maui County – Molokai Residence $78,340
Ballet Hawai`i $195,000
Binhi At Ani $450,000
Blood Bank of Hawai`i $1,150,000
Boys and Girls Club of the Big Island $600,000
Boys and Girls Club of the Big Island $200,000
Castle Medical Center $517,930
CFS Real Property, Inc. $125,000
Community Clinic of Maui, Inc. $440,000
Family Promise of Hawai`i $200,000
Friends of the Future $200,000
Friends of the Library of Hawai`i $350,000
Girl Scouts of Hawai`i $30,000
Girl Scouts of Hawai`i $225,000
Goodwill Industries of Hawai`i, Inc. $300,000
Habilitat, Inc. $155,000
Halau Ke`alaokamaile $881,600
Hale Makua Health Services $450,000
Hamakua Health Center, Inc. $850,000
Hamakua Youth Foundation, Inc. $200,000
Hana Arts $10,000
Hana Health $250,000
Hana Laulima Lahui O Ka`U, Inc. $200,000
Hawai`i 3R’S $3,000,000
Hawai`i Agriculture Research Center $650,000
Hawai`i Assisted Housing, Inc. $300,000
Hawai`i County Economic Opportunity Council $350,000
Hawai`i Farm Bureau Federation $500,000
Hawai`i Foodbank, Inc. $200,000
Hawai`i Softball Foundation $248,985
Hawai`i Theatre Center $250,000
Hawai`i United Okinawa Association $400,000
Hawai`ian Humane Society $700,000
Homestead Community Development Corporation $200,000
Honolulu Habitat for Humanity $250,000
Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawai`i $19,815
Hui No Ke Ola Pono, Inc. $350,000
Hui O Hau`ula $330,000
IHS, The Institute for Human Services, Inc. $350,000
Imua Family Services $250,000
Innovations Public Charter School Foundation $200,000
J. Walter Cameron Center $450,000
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai`i $350,000
Japanese Cultural Center of Kona $250,000
Kaahumanu Church $125,000
Kalihi Community Center $400,000
Kauai Economic Opportunity, Incorporated $260,000
Kauai Habitat for Humanity, Inc. $250,000
Kauai Housing Development Corporation $150,000
Ko`olauloa Health Center $400,000
Kokua Kalihi Valley (Comprehensive Family Services) $200,000
Ma`alaea Village Association $250,000
Malama Kauai $300,000
Maui Academy of Performing Arts $600,000
Maui Arts & Cultural Center $650,000
Maui Economic Development Board, Inc. $460,000
Maui Economic Opportunity, Inc. $335,000
Na Hoaloha – Maui Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers $11,000
National Guard Conference Corporation of Hawai`i, Inc. $300,000
Oahu Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals $350,000
Pacific Fleet Submarine Memorial Association, Inc. $100,000
Pacific Historic Parks $100,000
Pahoa Lava Zone Museum $400,000
Paia Youth Council $550,000
Palama Settlement $300,000
Parents and Children Together $400,000
Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum $100,000
Special Olympics Hawai`i, Inc. $500,000
The Arc of Hilo $372,397
The Episcopal Church in Hawai`i $200,000
The Filipino Community Center, Inc. $360,000
The Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific $600,000
The United Korean Association of Hawai`i $410,000
Waiehu Chinese Cemetery Association $7,500
Waikiki Community Center $150,000
Waimanalo Health Center $500,000
Young Men’s Christian Association of Honolulu $975,000
Young Women’s Christian Association of Oahu $250,000
Director of Finance